Hair Holds Memory

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Based on this headcannon ^ (I think his natural hair would be blonde) —————————————————————————————Bryan POVI run the cold, light pink hair dye on the roots of my hair

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Based on this headcannon ^
(I think his natural hair would be blonde)
Bryan POV
I run the cold, light pink hair dye on the roots of my hair. My hair had began to grow out, leaving my roots a dirty blonde.

The pink dye settled quickly into the blonde hair, matching perfectly with the rest.

I make sure to lather my roots evenly, making sure not to put too much, or too little.

I finish my hair, making sure to do it correctly. I pick up the box the hair dye came in, checking how long to let it sit for. The instructions read 30 minutes.

I take my gloves off and grab my phone, setting a 30 minute timer before putting the phone back on the bathroom counter beside me.

I open the bathroom door, exiting it and walk into me and Inpu's bedroom.

As I enter the bedroom I'm met with Inpu and the kids sitting on our bed, the kids were seemingly introducing Inpu to one of their video games on their Nintendo switch.

I walk over to the bed and stand next to it, looking over Inpu's shoulder and watching his attempt at the game.

I don't have to watch for long before the screen turns into a huge "You died!" screen. Inpu hands the console back to Atlas after that. "I still don't understand those games" Inpu complains, he never learned how to use technology.

Atlas turns off the console and sets it onto my nightstand.

"Hey papa!" Femi greets, giving me a small wave. "Hello honey" I respond, putting a hand on Inpu's shoulder as I speak.

Inpu scoots over on the bed, giving me room to sit next to him.

I take a seat gently, making sure not to get hair dye anywhere on the bed. Inpu's hand settles on my thigh as soon as I find my seat. I put my hand on top on his, rubbing small circles on his hand.

I see Atlas roll his eyes slightly, sticking his tongue out jokingly, he always does this when me and Inpu are loving towards each other.

"Dying your hair again?" Inpu asks, now looking at my hair thats wet with hair dye. I nod in response. "Just going over my roots" I inform.

"What's your natural hair color papa?" Femi asks, obviously curious. "Hang on" I tell her, letting her know I heard her question.

I stand up slowly, and walk over to my desk. I open the left drawer and move some things to the side, grabbing out a photo book that was underneath everything.

I put the photo album securely in my grasp and walk back over to the bed, settling back down next to Inpu.

I cross my legs underneath me as I set down the book in my lap. The kids scoot over and sit next to me, looking towards the book.

I think for a moment before flipping a few pages and landing on a specific page. I study the page before showing it to the kids.

The photo on the page was one of me with light blonde hair, I was about fourteen at the time, I was wearing white Greek robes and a golden hair clip in my hair.

The kids and Inpu study the photo for a moment before Inpu finally speaks "You're blonde?" He asks, looking at me confused, I nod to him, receiving a "hm" in response. 

"Woah" Atlas says, examining the picture closely. "I like the pink better"  Lotus says bluntly, making me giggle slightly "me too Lotus, me too" I respond to them.

I grip the book better and turn it back towards me. I flip a few pages before stopping and turning the book back to the kids direction. This time the photo was of me when I was an older teenager at a pride parade with my older sister, my hair all colors of the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

The kids and Inpu all look shockingly at the photo. Inpu giggles at it, looking towards me with a teasing grin.

"That's cool!" Lotus exclaims, a smile bursting onto their face. Femi and Atlas both nod, seemingly agreeing with them. "It didn't last very long" I inform them before turning the book back towards me.

I flip through a couple pages and find myself examining another picture. This page had me with white hair, I had bleached it after the rainbow catastrophe.

I flip the book and show the photo to the kids.

They examine it for a while until one of them finally speaks up. "You look old" Atlas says bluntly, but truthfully. I giggle, nodding my head in agreement.

"Well I think you look hot either way, even if you looked old" Inpu says, slightly teasingly. Atlas sticks his tongue out at us jokingly and shakes his head.

I giggle and flip through a few more pages before stopping at another picture. This picture was of me a couple days before I met Inpu, I had my signature brown hair.

I turn the book back towards them once again, allowing them to examine the photo.

"That's what I thought your natural hair color was" Inpu admits, letting out a slight giggle, probably of embarrassment. I give him a smile in response.

"We knew about that color, dad showed us pictures of you like that" Femi informs me. I smile, thinking about them seeing old photos of me, I knew Inpu would've shown and told them everything about me.

I gently close the book. "That's all" I tell them before standing up and heading back over to the desk, opening the drawer and putting the album away.

I turn back around and was about to make my way back over to the bed, but my alarm began to ring loudly from the bathroom.

"I have to go wash my hair" I inform my family before I walk away and head into the bathroom.

I enter the bathroom and turn off the alarm, putting my phone back into my pocket.

I grab a hand towel off of the shelf and wrap it around my neck. I walk over to the shower and grab the hand held shower head. I turn the water on and adjust the water temperature to my liking.

I hang my head into the shower and begin to wash out the excess pink dye. The water turns pink as it goes through the drain. 

I pump some shampoo into my empty hand and massage it into my hair and scalp. I rinse this out and then add some conditioner, following my beginning steps, massaging it in, then rinsing it out.

I continue to wash my hair until the water below me is clear again.

Once the water clears up, I back away from the shower as I turn off the water and set down the hand held shower head.

I grasp the towel around my neck and take it into my hands, before using it to dry off my wet hair.

I get my hair around halfway dry before throwing the towel into a laundry hamper. I then open a drawer located under the sink and grab a hair dryer.

I plug it in and as it warms up I begin to blow dry my hair. My hair begins to fluff up and curl due to the warmness hitting it.

I finish drying it completely and unplug the blow dryer, wrapping up the cord and placing it back into its correct spot.

Once done I re-gain my posture and look into the mirror placed above the sink. I examine my hair, seeing that my roots are now the same color as the rest of my hair.

I sigh, realizing I was stuck with the pink hair for the rest of my life. Sure, I could very easily change it. Though, it holds a ton of memories. Aphrodite's ball, our wedding, our honeymoon.

I couldn't bring myself to change it.

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