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MALYAHA , a beautiful teenage girl. The daughter of ILYASAH SHABAZZ and DAWAYNE CARTER . She was more of a quiet girl until she became closer to you.

She grew in the spotlight because of her voice and maybe also being the daughter of Lil Wayne and granddaughter of MALCOM X .

"Alright ma'am bye imma be late girl!" Lyaha shut the door to her mother's car.

She walked to the building of her new high school... "Oh god." She mumbled looking at the time seeing she was an hour late. 

"Hi uhm where is classroom 218?" She asked seemed like the man was a janitor. "Down there to your right." He pointed putting the earplug back in his ear. She shyly nodded walking to where he instructed.

She looked at her ripped up mom jeans and the graphic shirt she wore, fixing the pandora bracelet she opened the door seeing many faces.

Her heart dropped to her booty as she saw the new faces STARING at her.

"Miss Malilli?" The female math teacher tried  to pronounce her name. "Ma-lay-uh." She pronounced it slowly. "Okay thank you! Class this is our new student, Ma-lay-uhh Carter." She smiled.

She looked for a seat and a lightskin girl with plump lips and brown eyes with a leave out in her head waved for her to come over.

She shyly walked over as she heard whispers and seeing eyes staring at her. "Hey girl!" The girl semi yelled. "I'm India. Im not actually indian but- Okay I think you understand." india chuckled as Lyaha smiled.

"How old are you?!" INDIA whispered. "17." She shyly spoke. "Oh my god..! You sound familiar. Oh shit! You Lyaha the scientist?!" India smiled.

Malyaha nodded slowly taking out a notebook and sharpie pen. "Huge fan... Anywho pay attention cause you will most likely be doing my work for me." India gave Lyaha a kiss on the cheek as she lowly laughs.

"MISS Carter would you like to answer this question?" the female asked topping the marker up as Malyaha looked up from writing on her notebook.

Shit.. She thought as she eyed the classroom. She knew the material that the woman was teaching, let's just say she was advanced...

She nodded and stood up once again walking to the front of the classroom feeling eyes on her. "She got a dump!" She heard a boy say over the whispering.

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