1. First encounter

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Hello everyone! This is my first fanfiction ever. This may not be that much good, please let me know your thoughts about my writing...
Disclaimer - I don't own any character or anything of Naruto.

Team Menato was sitting near a tree, discussing their strategy for upcoming mission. Suddenly Kakashi threw a kunai towards the tree behind Menato. His kunai was cancelled by a chakra blade and a very young leaf shinobi appeared with a scroll in her hand. Obito screamed -

- Kiyoko!!! What are you doing here?
Kiyoko turned towards Minato, handed over the scroll to him then said - "Lord hokage ordered me to deliver this scroll to yellow flash." Then facing Obito she gave a smile and exclaimed - "You are in Yellow flash's team?!"
- Yup! And these are my team mates: Rin Nohara and Kakashi Hatake ...
- "Nice to meet you all. My name is Kiyoko."
She bowed a little and greeted them. In the meantime, Minato gave a smile and introduced himself - I am Minato Namikaze. You can call me Minato sensei if you wish. Minato winked in a friendly manner while keeping that charming smile on his face. We are about to make dinner. Why not join us?
- Arigato gozaimasu Minato sensei! May be next time... no sooner  has she finished her sentence,than all hear a growling coming from Kiyoko's stomach. She blushed in embarrassment and others laughed out loud.
- "Seems like someone's tummy is not obeying her" Obito remarked with a mischievous smile.
- Then it's settled! Kiyoko and every one let's get ready!
- I am going to catch some fish ( Obito screamed)
- I will bring water ( Rin declared)
- Cooking is up to me ( Minato stated) Kakashi and kiyoko you can help to gather woods.
- Ok sensai! Both exclaimed.

Kakashi and kiyoko went towards the forest to collect woods while Kakashi suddenly said " Sorry about earlier!"
Kiyoko express astonishment in her eyes and asked " For what?" " That kunai... I didn't mean to hurt you..."
- It's okay! I am not hurt and you did that for safety purpose. It's no big deal. They have collected some wood and returned to the spot. Others were there too. Minato started gathering woods then Obito weaved hand sign
- "Fire style, fireball jutsu!!" Fish was being cooked. Minato asked Obito - "It seems like you know each other! Pointing towards kiyoko."
- Yes! I met her in forest previous month. I was injured when she found me and healed my wounds.We are friends since then. Obito smiled politely.
- You are a medical ninja! Rin exclaimed. Me too. But I can't remember you from our class...
-I have joined recently. I am still persuing medical ninjutsu course.

They finished their meal then Kiyoko beg leave from Minato and disappeard in the dark.

I will try to write the next part soon. Please vote and comment. Tell me what do you think about this writing.( Their love will take some time to begin, till then keep reading if you find this interesting)😇

( I am naming this little cute one Kiyoko 🤞, I found this picture adorable, I have taken it from internet)

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( I am naming this little cute one Kiyoko 🤞, I found this picture adorable, I have taken it from internet)

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