ɕнαρтєя 1

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"Go easy on me baby,
I was still a child,
didn't get the chance to feel the world around me I had no time to choose
what i chose to do, so go easy on me"
Easy on Me || Adele

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"General. we're coming up to the planet Jardean" A separatist battle droid warned pulling out of hyperspace infront of a republic cruiser blockade.
"General! General! There's republic cruisers opening fire!!"

"I can see that!" Deianira shouted throwing the closest droid to her into a wall. "Get me on the ground. NOW"

Deianira walked the corridors of the separatist ship, followed by her B2-series battle droid guards to a shuttle. That same shuttle, along with two holding droids left the cruiser.

Jardean was a beautiful planet. Mountain ranges, crystal clear rivers that go for miles, and of course the kindom of Jadea. A small part of Deianira felt sad, remebering her planet before her disappearance.

She was suprised to find a pair of Jedi fighting the droid that landed, taking them all out along with their army of soldier.

Once the shuttle landed, she rose to her feat, grabbed a blaster and walked towards the town.

"Sir. A seperatist general shuttle has landed not too far from the city" Deianira observed the man she thought was the captain. His visor was lined with blue, along with the stripes and zig zags.

"Thank you Captain. We'll wait here for the general to show themslef.

"General we are waiting for you comand"



More and more of her battle droids were being taken out while she just sat in a tree out of sight. This was her plan. Her plan to be free from the separatist hold.

Deianira decided it was time to show herself, hopping down from the tree.

She snuck behind the Jedi general only to find all eyes moving to look at her.

"You'know, it's real hard to sneak up on a Jedi. Especially me" The general turned around to face the woman infront of him.

"Well I learned from the best"

"lemme guess.. Dooku?" He inquired

"Youu guest it" Deianira's hands started to sweat, she was nearly there.

He turned away leaving her. No! I need to be taken prisoner! what do I do what do i do

Deianira's only thought was to put the blaster on stun and shoot one of the soldiers.

All it took was one soldier do get to these people. The captain changed his blaster to stun and stunned her faster than she could comprehend..


Nala's unusually calm looking form stirred as she woke up.

"Amara?" No answer "Amara?" growing more aware of her surroundings she got nervous.

"Finally. we meet in person" a deem dark voice speaks up from the shadows. He had a sharp grey beard with a posture so straight you would mistake it for a wall.

"who are you? where am I"

"That is for me to know, and for you to find out" he snarled with a sickening grin, making her shiver.

"That is for me to know, and for you to find out" he snarled with a sickening grin, making her shiver

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This is rly short for my first chpt but ig its ok.

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