Prepare for Liftoff

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"Alright gang! Is everybody ready?" "Shrap, we've been over this a hundred times. Are we ever gonna leave?" "What? C'mon, gotta be sure everybody's properly fitted for this killer quest!" "Uh, mom? Why am I wearing this necklace?" "Julie, honey, it's for the best. It'll protect you when we jump between worlds." "Whoa. What is Hell like, anyway?" "Ooh! I got the answer to that." "Cool. Then Deck, you handle that. I need to speak with Thia and Crow." "You got it!" "Ookay. So, uh, where are we going?" "Well, I ain't gonna make this easy on you, kid. Hell is a dark place, worse than whatever you've seen in the Living World."

"Really? I always thought Hell was full of killers, drug dealers and all the tyrants who deserve to die there." "Well, you're just about there. See, the interesting thing about Hell is this..." "I didn't realize Hell would need its best killer back again so soon." "You got that right, Jack. But do us a favor and make sure Jules doesn't get wind of too much of your real work." "Yes, that's a good idea, Jack. She's young, we can't scare her too badly." "I agree with both of you. But what happens when somebody like Shrap or Deck goes down and changes into their prime forms? At least Crow resembles a Human with his visually appealing humanoid form."

"Why thank you, Jack." "Don't mention it." "You both have a point. Jules is gonna be scared out of her mind. But there's another thing I'm worried about." "Oh? What's that?" "Well..." "And that is why we don't use highways in Hell!" "Shoot. That...actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks, Deck." "Ah, dontcha worry about it, kiddo. You're the new and improved Sin Hunter! This'll be your shot at continuing the legacy your old man left you with!" "Yeah. Yeah, you're right. Besides, I can be better, expand on what he taught me like he wants."

"Exactly! But remember, Jules. It''s not a bad thing to be yourself. The reason you work as the Sin Hunter's protege is because your life is intertwined with his path. But don't let the reeds in that field snag your legs too often." "Anybody ever told you you talk like somebody's grandparent?" "Yeah, a lot. It's part of my charm, y'know?" ...... "Look, kid. Hell is everything your mom warned you about. It's a bad place. Real bad. And it's not too late for you to sit this one out."

"I get that. But where would we go once we reach the facility?" "We can figure it out, Thia. But before we get out into the open, let's worry about getting into Hell first. Shrap, you said one card will fit all of us?" "It should. If it doesn't, we have a very serious problem." "Great. Jack, how're you looking on ammunition?" "Good enough to make it past the first barricade anything puts up. I assume we're expecting a warm welcome?" "More than that. Word on the streets closer to the pinnacle of Pentagram Central is that ol' Love Dove has been dispatching a special class of armored knights."

"Armored Knights? Since when?" "Since word of your return has struck people with a frenzy, Jack. That's gotta be the reason why." "Correct you are, Doctor Florence! Erm, how exactly we intend to get through these things is the sticky gunk in these gears?" "I don't think that should matter much once we get down there. Do we have everybody here?" "Everybody's here, Jack. Should we get started?" "I don't see why not. Jules! Deck! C'mon, we're leaving." "Got it!" "Roger that, Jack!" "Okay everybody, gather 'round. Shrap's gonna open the doorway down. Once it opens, you jump in and hold onto whatever's closest, cuz it's a bumpy ride!"

"What he said! A zip, a zap, a sore finger later and-" Slitch! "Huzzah! Bleeding finger, drop onto card, card goes on floor, and bazinga!" A portal in New York City opened into the Demonic Realm below. "Let's get going." "I agree! To Hell we return!" "Let's get this over with!" "Here we go!" "Jules, grab my hand and squeeze it tight!" "Mom, Jack, let's do this thing!" "Watch out, Hell! The Sin Hunter is BACK!!"

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