Sounds cool

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The Precursors. An ancient race, the most advanced race known to inhabit the milky way. These ancient god like beings are responsible for all life in the galaxy.

One race in particular, the Forerunners. Would be there down fall.

In the end, as we know it today. The precursors would eventually become the flood. A parasite, with the power of Neural Physics from the Precursors that's goal was to create unity of all living things in the galaxy.

But, there are some precursors still alive. In stasis or hidden in plain sight.

One of these, would be hidden on the earths moon. Who would watch over the humans. And this precursor, would be the one to bring one of the strongest beings into existence, to fight a great evil. Demons.

It was the precursor, who left the moon. And making itself transparent, and in a ghost like state who was interested in the lady. And the evil in this country. A boy, who was born with a mark.
While it wasn't the precursor doing, it was captured by the boys strength. And his story. And the demons he would fight. And the legacy he was leaving.

600 years later. When humanity became a space faring species. With colonies stretched across multiple solar systems. This precursor stayed with the descendants of the demon slayers of the past. And watched over a direct descendant of the last sun breathing User, Tanjiro. Who showed great strength, with some of the lessons still alive from that era. But no one in this age could become as strong as the demon slayers.

The Spartans that came during this time, while had way more technological advancements. Didn't compare to the speed and strength of the demon slayers. Who fought the immortal threat of the demons. With mere swords. The precursor used neural physics to copy these techniques and powers. In the hope that they could be useful for humanity down the line.

And they were right.

(This is just some kinda stuff i was shitting out. It sounds cool though. Idk)

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