Together, no matter what.

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I'm human. That's right I'm a human. A 19, almost 20 year old, 6 foot 1, 210 pound human. And I am stuck. I am stuck in the world of demons. About 2 years ago, I was a marine. Fighting to keep the galaxy safe, fighting for freedom from whatever aliens I lost track. And two years ago my group was sent on a special mission, lead by Masterchief. During the mission, my entire group was wiped out, with just me and Chief left. When the mission was about to end, chief took the final shot.

The mission was we were gonna destroy a new weapon made by the covenant. And the banished and taken control of it. The weapon wasnt really a weapon, it was a transporter. It was designed to be able to open a bridge to other possible reality's outside our own, so that the banished could take over an entire galaxy. We destroyed it, but in the destruction of the machine, multiple little portals were opened. I was sucked into one.

I was calling out to chief, next thing I know I'm on the ground.

I was able to survive thanks to my training. I didn't have much in terms of weapons. Just my pistol which had one bullet, and a single grenade. And my pocket knife. The first few days were rough. I tried to figure out where I am. Eventually I found a village. By sneaking around and listening I found the language was Japanese, airgo I was in Japan. But the technology was primitive. I had realized that the portals had opened up to another reality but, I was sent to a different time. Luckily I had taken Japanese lessons in school and my uncle had married into a Japanese family. So I was pretty fluent.

The first year was interesting. I had abandoned my marine clothes, and had adjusted to living in this time. I still had weapons on hand, but I didn't really use them. I also leaned a lot about the world. About demons.

Demons where creatures that ate humans. They got stronger the more they ate. The demon slayers where the ones who protected this world. They fought against the demons with mere mortal body's. I never thought I would run into a demon, but I was mistaken.

One night, I was having a hard time falling asleep. I kept tossing and turning and thinking about the mission. How I could have done things differently. I how could have not ended up here. "(Glass shattering)" my eyes opened. I went over to the drawer and grabbed my gun, with one bullet. I looked around. "My my. You have a good sense." I heard a girls voice say. I grabbed the flashlight I had. "Who are you!?" I yelled and shined the light. My eyes widened.

Standing there was a woman. But not just any woman, a woman who had markings on her eyes and face. Her hair was long, she had a head piece on. The marking on her eyes read. Upper six? I then looked at her clothes. She was actually quite beautiful. And her clothes seemed a bit suggestive. "Oh, your a handsome one." She said, licking her lips. "Who are you?" I asked. "I am Daki. Upper six of the "Twelve Kizuki"." Twelve Kizuki? She kept standing there, and her body was making kind react. Even if I didn't want it to. No! She's a demon! She's gonna eat you. She. Noticed my buldge. "Oh.... I've never had that reaction before." She said. "Say, you aren't from here. You give off a different sent. A different presence." She said. How can she tell?

"Well, I was gonna quickly eat you, but...." She looked back down at my groin. "How about this, you please me, and I'll let you live." She said. My eyes widened. Please her, like in bed. I mean, I've never actually done it before. But it's not like I'm clueless. I looked at her. I heard that the sun can kill them, but if I try to keep her here until sun rise she'll catch on and kill me. All I have to do is please her.... I lowered my gun. "Ok. I'll please you." I said. She looked shocked, like she wasn't expecting me to actually agree.

"O-Ok then. Please me." She said taking off her top, and holding her arms open. Her breast's were visible. I got a little harder. I gulped, questioning if it was a trap. I slowly put down my gun, and turned off the flash light. "(Giggles)" oh shit. I felt a cloth around my back, and it pushed me, and I felt her body against mine. I felt a hand around my area. "Oh, your a big one." I felt my clothes being taken off, and I was then pulled down, and she was under me. I couldn't see anything. "Here, you can touch me all you want." She said, and the clothes was off me and I could just feel her under me. Ok.

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