Chapter 10 - The Pack

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A brief moment after waking up the next day, Livia forgot that the games were running. But this feeling only lasted a couple of seconds before it hit her with full force. 

She'd struggled to sleep that night, tossing and turning and constantly waking up. Her dreams had been full of seeing the faces of the dead tributes and, worst of it, seeing Facet running through the arena and being hunted by his own alliance. Fortunately it had been nothing but a dream - or at least she hoped so.

At the breakfast table, it seemed as if Arachne hadn't had the best sleep either. She was quiet - which was unusual - and was slightly pale as she looked at her plate with disinterest. Livia wasn't hungry either despite the maid of the Crane family had outdone herself with serving a great meal. Arachne's brothers eyed them with looks of confusion at how they could barely eat when such good things were served. Arachne's mother, who was almost like an aunt to Livia just from how long they'd known each other already, spoke up. "Arachne, Livia, you both need to eat something" she said sweetly. "The job as a mentor requires strength."

"I'm not hungry, mother." Arachne said quietly. Livia nodded in agreement. 

"What's wrong, darling?" Arachne's father asked, directed at his daughter. 

"Nothing, father. I'm just not hungry." she replied shortly.

Her mother sighed. "Fine girls, I'm gonna pack you something so you can eat later at the Academy. Can I offer both of you a tea at least?" she asked, rubbing Arachne's shoulder. She hadn't seen her daughter like this a lot either, after all Arachne was known for her loud persona. And while Livia denied a the cup of tea too, Arachne finally looked up and nodded. Her mother smiled and quickly called for their maid to bring a cup of tea and pack in some food to take along. "Both of your tributes are very promising" she compliments them. "A perfect alliance. Brandy shouldn't be underestimated and Facet's truly a golden boy." she smiled. 

Livia smiled back. The words cheered her up slightly - not just the compliments for Facet or her own mentoring but also the attention itself. Something she didn't get a lot back home. Her conversation with Miss Crane enlightened her mood a lot despite what was waiting for them at Heavensbee Hall. For a brief moment, just like earlier when she'd woken up, she could forget about the games - and even Arachne's slowly seemed to snap out of whatever had been wrong earlier. 

But as the maid placed down small pancakes, Livia jumped up as if she was scared they'd throw themselves at her. "Excuse me" she said. "I have to go. I need to check on my tribute."

Miss Crane nodded. "Of course, you don't want to miss anything after all. Here girls, I've got some lunch for you. Have a good day."

Livia thanked her, relieved that no one had asked her what had been so unsettling about pancakes.  Livia was glad to have Arachne as a friend - despite all their different views and plans they'd always gotten along well. Livia could only hope that their friendship would stay that way once Arachne was married off to Lucius. 

By the time they arrived at the Academy, all remaining mentors had joined and even some audience members were already there. Vipsania was busy packing up her duvet and a pillow, placing them back in a huge bag.

"What on earth..." Arachne said as they approached their smaller classmate. "Vippie, did you sleep here?"

Sleep could hardly describe it - Vipsania looked drained. But not drained enough to give them a smile. "I did. Aunt Agrippina brought me bedding so I could stay overnight. I couldn't leave Treech alone" she sighed. "I was the only mentor that stayed I think. Lyssie and Coryo left shortly after midnight and I must've fallen asleep at some point... it got continuously boring. They showed the same thing for ages" she cursed. In the back, Coriolanus could be seen looking up. "I suppose all tributes took a nap too." Vipsania then shrugged as she packed her pillow away. 

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