Chapter 3: Worsening Situation

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In the Pentagon, in a computer room where the best analysts were brought to work in, a specific group of analysts were seen working and having a conversation.

Analyst 2: "Hey, guys, I think the other team figured it out... Iran.

Analyst 1: "Come on, man. This is way too smart for Iranian scientists. Think about it. What do you think, Maggie? Chinese?"

Maggie: "No way. This is nothing like what the Chinese are using."

The scene transition to aboard the Airforce One, which is currently cruising through the air, and we see US Commnication Officer currently working.

The scene transition to aboard the Airforce One, which is currently cruising through the air, and we see US Commnication Officer currently working

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Communication Officer: '"This is Air Force One. Level of flight, level three-three-zero."

In a broadcast Of Defense Secretary Keller press conference debriefing for the people of the United States.

Keller: (Audible) "We will hunt down this enemy. And when we do, we'll know just what to do with them."

Moving to another section of the Airforce One, and a Flight Attendant is serving members of the presidential staff their drinks.

Staff: "Thank you."

Flight Attendant: "You're welcome."

A flight Attendant also known as a Presidential Aide also known as Tracy is seen reaching, the Presidential suite and was allowed in by Secret Service member.

Tracy: "Yes, Mr. President?"

President: "Yeah, can you wrangle me up some Ding Dongs, darling?"

President: "Yeah, can you wrangle me up some Ding Dongs, darling?"

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(For Reference)

None of the Service member and staff do not notice a human size Decepticon obviously sneaking around the plane to an elevator.

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