It Is I Black Hat

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"Hello, filthy demons it is I Black Hat from the Black Hat organization. You may be wondering who is the man on the TV well I am the strongest and the most evil being you will ever see in your filthy lifespan."

The demons look at each other some are confused and others think that Black Hat is just another Vox because of Black Hat's cockyness. The demons hear Black Hat continue to speak and look back at the TV wondering what Black Hat is going to say next.

Black Hat sits up straight and places his hand on his chest grinning, "The Black Hat Organization will help you low-life demons kill each other better, make your lives easier, or," Black Hat puts his hands together and leans forward grinning ear to ear, "Be able to fight back against those disgusting angles and if you want you can use our weapons to kill the stronger demons of hell."

Black Hat lets out an evil chuckle and the rimless monocle in his left eye glows green for a second, "I'm only asking for your currencies but for our stronger items that we have it will cost you your soul. Don't worry demons my soul deals won't hurt and there are no loopholes for me to exploit, unlike your stronger demon that you demons call Overlords. But I won't be able to control you I can only summon you whenever I want but I can't control you. This means that you demons could give me your soul and then leave with all your items without anything else happening."

The demons look at each other this time asking each other if they should listen to Black Hat or think that he's just trying to trick them.

The demons while chatting with each other about what is happening hear Black Hat say with a menacing tone, "Goodbye filthy demons we will meet again soon."

With that Black Hat started to chuckle then the TV showed the Black Hat Organization logo for a few seconds until the TVs turned off.

The demons look at each other for the last time each of them saying, "What was that?" "He promised to offer us weapons in the future

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The demons look at each other for the last time each of them saying, "What was that?" "He promised to offer us weapons in the future. I think we should take it if he was telling the truth." "Yeah you're right he even said he could sell us stuff against Overlords and even angles." "But it might cost our souls though." "So what if we are going to die might as well fight back without our souls." "And the man on the TV said that us giving him our soul won't affect us that much. I will be willing to take that risk."

After many minutes of discussion with each other, they finally split up and continued with their day.

Black Hat sits up straight and waves the camera away, "Flug take the camera away."

Flug says, "Yes little boss," and picks up the camera and leaves the office.

After Flug leaves Black Hat picks up the teleporter and uses it to make a portal to hell. He looks at the timer for the next extermination and the grin that he has turns into a frown.

"Why couldn't there be another extermination? If there was another one I could sell something that those idiotic demons could use during it. I could gain a lot of souls that way hehe. But I guess for now I could make Flug build a machine or a gadget to kill demons with." Said Black Hat looking through the portal at some demons.

A Hat in HellWhere stories live. Discover now