Scrambled Plan

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"Okay, guys Black Hat told me to go back to the building that has the angelic steel and we need a plan," said Flug walking back and forth with his hands behind his back.

Demencia rolls her eyes, "Really another plan. Remember the last plan nerd?"

Flug stops walking and looks at Demencia, "Yes I remember. But the reason why that plan failed was because someone won't listen to logic."

Demencua laughs, "Yeah right it's because your plans are boring."

Flug covers his face annoyed, "That's why this plan will fit your style of fighting. Actually, this plan should fit everyone... hopefully."

Demencia and 5.0.5 tilt their heads in confusion, "Really? Tell me then."

Flug takes out a tablet and a hologram appears the the tablet, "First we land on the building then I cut a hole in the roof. Second 5.0.5 jumps down then you and I go last."

5.0.5 nods excitedly but Demencia points her finger to Flug, "Hey why do you have to go last?"

Flug turns his back to Demencia and puts a finger up, "Simple uhh to make it easier for all of us."

Demencia rolls her eyes, "Sure."

Flug takes out the teleporter rolling his eyes, "Let's just finish this mission. This should be easy enough after all we did do this already."

Demencia and 5.0.5 walk to Flug and Demencia crosses her arms saying, "Just press the button already. Thanks to you I couldn't see Black Hat yet."

Flug presses the button on the teleporter opening a portal, "Yeah yeah just follow the plan and we can finish this fast."

Demencia leaps through the portal pushing Flug into the process. 5.0.5 looks at the portal and then at the lab worried but also jumps through the portal landing on Flug's body.

Demencia laughs at Flug as 5.0.5 instantly tries to get off of Flug.

Flug slowly gets back up and cracks his back, "Ouch ow ow I just got that fixed yesterday."

5.0.5 places its hands close to its face feeling sad that he crushed Flug's body.

Flug rubs his head then takes out a small metal box and a white pen, "Let's just continue, and NO breaking this plan Demencia."

Demencia shrugs and smirks, "Fine fine dork I won't break this dumb plan of yours."

Flug rolls his eyes and places the metal box on the roof and the pen near the metal box on its tip. Flug then touches the metal box and the pen's tip glows red and moves in a circle around the metal box.

Flug nods to his success and says proudly, "See wasn't that ea-"

The part of the roof that the pen was cutting through fell and the metal box and pen went down with it.

Demencia points at Flug laughing at him. Flug starts to panic and tries to catch the circular piece of the roof before it hits the floor. Flug misses the roof piece and his heart sinks.

Flug stands up and pulls on the paper bag on his head. Demencia laughs harder and she falls on her back still laughing 5.0.5 places its paw on his dad's. Flug rips the bag on his head but there is another paper bag on his head.

 Flug rips the bag on his head but there is another paper bag on his head

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