Chapter 4

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3rd pov:

Bella exits the house first. When she sees Jacob
She immediately starts to drool over him. Bella thinks he is hot and he will be hers. But he won't ever and will not be hers. He loves Hope her younger sister. And always will.
After all their love story is written in the stars.
Hope comes rushing out of the house about 2 minutes after Bella.

Charlie: Bella you remember Billy Black. I know Hope does.
Billy: Glad you're finally here. Charlie hasn't shut up about it since Hope told him that you guys were coming.
Charlie: Keep exaggerating, I'll wheel you down the hill.
Billy: Right after I ram you in the ankles.
Billy takes several rolls at Charlie who dodges them.
Bella isn't even paying attention to the two child like men. Instead she is glaring at the two who are wrapped up in each other's arms.
Hope gives Jacob a quick kiss which makes her glare harder at the fated couple.
Bella walks up to Hope and Jacob, and clears her throat.
Which makes them jump apart.
Just to be polite Jacob introduces himself.
Jacob; I'm Jacob. We made mud pies together when we were little kids. Also I'm Hope's boyfriend.
Bella glares at Hope while replying, " Yeah I think I remember.
Are  they always like this?"
After Jacob kisses Hopes head he responds to his girlfriends sister.
Jacob; It's getting worse with old age.

Charlie walks up to them and pats the hood of the truck, and talks to Bella.
Charlie: So what do you think of your homecoming gift?"
Bella: No way. The truck is for me?
Charlie: Just bought it off Billy, here.
Jacob: I rebuilt the engine with Hopes help last summer.
Bella: It's perfect!"
She gives Hope a smug smile and asks Where is Hopes car.
Charlie tells her that Hopes car is in the garage.
Jacob and Hope tell her how to start the truck.

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