Chapter 1

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3rd pov:
Hope and Bella have just arrived at the Airport.
They got their bags and now are looking for their father.
Hope spots him first, runs to him and gives him a hug.
" Hey there sweet pea, I missed you."
" I missed you too dad!"
Bella then came over to the duo with a frown on her face.
She hates forks. And her sister. Oh she also despises her dad.
Why did she even come in the first place?
Oh yeah it's because Hope wanted Rene and Phil to have the honeymoon that they deserve.
And what ever Hope wants she gets. Which is not true. Hope works for the stuff she gets with her own money.
Bella never had a job like Hope does.
Bella thinks she can get everything she wants handed to her on a silver platter.
Soon she will learn life never works like that.

Hope and Charlie put Bella's and Hopes bags in the cruiser, since Bella couldn't be bothered to help.
Bella just hopped in the car and plugged in her earphones into her phone and blasted music.

Bella is sitting in the back seat since the front seat is Hope's. Plus she also is trying to avoid her father.
Right now Charlie and Hope have put all the bags in the trunk.
They get in the car.
They talk and laugh all the way to Forks.

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