Chapter 4.10 - Conversations about Firepower

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After Full Throttle Heart, Emmett and TINA spent the day brainstorming and simulating new weapons. They holed up in the hub of section 002, the mechanical wing. Schematics flew across the wall monitors, followed shortly by holographic simulations above the projector table in the center of the room.

Eventually—after most of the day—Emmett called for Dr. Venture. His hands trembled as he waited.

It didn't help that both Venture and Clara came over.

Emmett hadn't planned on showing both of them—not just yet.

For a long moment, Emmett and Clara stared at each other while Venture checked something on the monitor behind them. Clara shuffled up until she was right in front of him.

Emmett swore he could feel her body heat, even though she wasn't touching him. He chuckled uneasily, keenly aware of her father standing a few feet behind him.

Clara looked up at him, seemingly unaware of Emmett's turmoil.

"I'll leave you guys to it, then."

"Oh, are you sure?" Emmett asked.

Clara smiled and said earnestly, "Yeah, I just wanted to see you. I've got my own stuff to work on. When you boys are done, come find me."

She stood on her toes and kissed Emmett on the cheek. Then she walked out, leaving Emmett alone with her father.

Venture cleared his throat and turned back to the schematics on the wall monitors.

Emmett's face and neck felt hot, and he shifted uneasily on his feet. "I, uh..."

"You don't need to defend yourself, Emmett," Venture said quietly. He never turned from the screen.

It was a long moment before Emmett said anything. "I wasn't sure if I should've gotten your approval..."

Venture waved away the thought. "You're a fine young man, but my opinion isn't what you should be concerned about. Clara is smart, capable, and I trust her judgment. She's more than capable of making her own decisions."

He suddenly turned, the light from the monitors reflecting in his glasses and hiding his eyes. "That being said, she is also your teammate. It will... complicate things. Add another layer for you both to navigate."

He spoke with the candor of someone who'd done the same thing or, maybe, made the same mistake.

"Can I ask you a personal question? ...Was Clara's mom a super?"

Venture's eyes wavered. "I'm not sure when we'll tell you about her. Our arrangement here is based on your freedom to leave if and when you want to. If you knew more about our family or knew our identities, then you would be sworn to secrecy... at a minimum.

"But yes, Clara's mother was a super. And it complicated things severely."

The words hung heavy between the two men. Emmett had suspected as much, and now he was left with more questions than answers.

Venture pushed up his glasses. "Now, to business. You need firepower. Tell me about your ideas."

Emmett's ideas for firepower boiled down to two distinct avenues.

The first of which—and the one Emmett thought Venture might approve of—was a modular, high-powered rifle. Schematics appeared on screen, showing a .50 caliber rifle that could be taken apart and stored in two of his prosthetic storage compartments.

The downside for Emmett was that the parts wouldn't fit in his upper arm storage slots, so he'd be given up actual mods to keep the rifle on him.

Venture rubbed the stubble on his chin. "Why don't you just keep them on a Fast-Response Drone?"

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