Chapter 29

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"Do you think this color looks okay?" Neva asked, holding the can of paint in one hand and a small brush in  the other. They had worked on painting the exam rooms of the clinic on the weekends for nearly a month now, stealing any bit of time to do it while it was closed to the public.

"I love Sage," Harper replied. "It's definitely better than the orange." That had been an eyesore.

"Harper?" Emma stood at the door, holding a stack of books. A look of surprise danced across her face.

"Hi," Harper wondered if she would ever see her here.

"I thought you were gone." Her words seemed calculated.

"Not yet. My tour starts in a few weeks. I need to start practicing for that but I'm not too concerned about it right now. Too focused on my painting job."

Neva cackled from the other side of the room.

"Well, I just thought you had headed to another movie set somewhere," Emma said and then continued, "I had no idea you were still here."

"Didn't you know she bought the Ridgeley house?" Neva offered. "Already moved in and made it her home, haven't you, dear?"

"Just about," Harper added. Emma's eyebrows were still raised.

"Well, I'm shocked. I had no idea you were still here. I don't think anyone did." Emma seemed lost in confusion as she turned and sauntered away.

Harper wanted to ask about Ben. She thought about following after Emma but something stopped her. It could be that she was on the floor in the corner painting trim. She resisted the urge and made her last two strokes and then put her brush in the tray. She and Neva admired their work.

"We are very talented." Neva said, admiring their work.

Harper agreed and started to gather her things. She was hoping to catch Ron while he was still at the stables and might even go for a ride with Rita this afternoon. They had been trying to schedule one all week together. She stopped by Emma's office to say a quick goodbye and then was on her way home.

Was it weird Emma didn't mention Ben? It wasn't, right? Why would she? He's moved on with Lisa, probably. Ben had been an ever present thought but even with the disillusionment he had created and the feelings she still had for him, she was glad to be in South Dakota. She had settled into her new home and was considering turning the basement into a recording studio. Not so much for her but others. Producing maybe? She had never done it officially but it would allow her to stay at home and still tinker on her hobby. She smiled, remembering how Statler had asked her to not call her current job a hobby. But that's where she was now. And it was a good place. A better place. She was ready to get her tour going so she could be finished. And had already made sure Statler knew that she wasn't signing any more contracts. Not right now so he needed to stop emailing them. Once this tour was over, she was free. She had already started easing into this new role. What did Neva call it, a new season? She had only been in her home for a short time but it had been wonderful.

She loved having John and Neva over. They, of course, knew Ron and Rita. Apparently everyone knew everyone in this small town and the dinners had been nice. Sitting around the table or the firepit sharing life and a bottle of wine together had helped ease the sadness she felt about Ben. Some of it anyway. Several times she had wanted to text him or at least text Janet. But out of respect for him, she didn't. She loved him. She was certain of that. And she would always love him. She blew out a long breath. Hopefully he was happy because for the first time in her life, she was. These last few weeks had been nice. She had loved meeting the Tambors and enjoyed her days riding with Rita, getting to know the land and experiencing what she had always thought having a real home would be like.

She had read more in the past few weeks than ever. Wrote several songs that she would probably give to Cole and worked on her flower beds. So many flower beds. Days with Rita and Neva, and all of them covered in dirt and hauling bushes and flowers around the house had been her favorite times. They were like having a mother and grandmother close and Harper soaked up every bit of love and wisdom she could from both of them. Just knowing they would be here when she returned made the thought of touring for the next couple of months bearable.

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