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"Kacchan, wait!"
There it was again, that stupid voice that always seemed to follow him no matter how fast he ran away. God, when was he going to get a break? That's all he wanted, was to spend time with his new friends in peace. Not having to babysit this quirkless idiot.
Katsuki rolled his eyes, his fist clenching harder in an attempt to keep his anger from literally exploding. Yet, that was impossible with the amount of emotion that was coursing through his veins. Tiny pops lit up around his hands, the power of his quirk leaking through his finger's despite the attempt to hold it back.
"What do you want Deku?!" He yelled in an irritated tone. He swung himself around, facing the smaller boy and giving his full attention.
Izuku paused, his shoulder's hunching in slightly at the sudden focus that was upon him. Isn't this what he wanted? The idiot had his full attention now, so what gives? Why was he cowering when this was bound to happen?
"I-I," Izuku took a breath, his eyes looking up at him with a small confident gleam. "I was hoping I could go with you to the stream."
The small amount of patience that the small blonde had snapped at the green haired kid's words. Like hell he was going to allow what happened last time to become a repeating incident.
"No! Go away Deku!" He yelled. Katsuki gave little shit in making sure that his old friend was okay. He turned quickly on his heels and stomped into the forest. He could hear small sniffles as he kept walking, a small tug in his chest made him hesitate for a moment, but only a moment before he continued his journey.
When he reached the stream, he could already see the other boys waiting for him. He smirked as he watched one of them fly around, his red wings already able to lift him higher into the air since the last time Katsuki saw him. He liked those red bat wings, they looked cool and would be an awesome way to rescue people. Obviously not as cool as his quirk, his was beyond perfect for fighting villains.
"Hey Bakugo!" The three greeted him as he broke through the tree line. They immediately gathered around him, asking what kind of adventure they were going to go on today. He smiled, pride filling his chest as the attention filled him to the brim.
As he was beginning to explain what he wanted to do, he heard a sharp gasp from behind him before a loud splash. He whipped around, confused as to what would cause that noise. His face contorted, anger pouring through him as he saw Deku sitting in the stream. He had tears in his eyes as he held his knee, blood beginning to pool and trickle down into his sock.
"Really?! Why is he here?" One of the boys behind Katsuki voiced, annoyance clear as day in his tone.
That immediately brought the raging inferno in the small blond down to a simmer. He didn't understand why, but anytime one of his friends would pick on Izuku it made him disgusted. It made his tummy clench and face tingle every time.
This never happened when they praised him for picking on Deku. It didn't make any sense to Katsuki. Why would it change when they tried to follow his example? His mom always said that indication was the best fluttery. Whatever that meant.
Yet here he was, about to be sick as his new friends kept teasing and throwing insults at Deku.
The blonde turned, trying to keep his face blank as he glared at the other kids. "Go to the log." Katsuki demanded with a roll of his eyes.
It wasn't like Deku was going to be hanging around them now that he was hurt, so why did they have to make a big fuss about it. "I'm going to take him home before Aunty gets mad at me for not helping. I'm going to be a hero one day, so I have to help."
The other boys shrugged their shoulders, immediately jumping back into the conversation they were having before as they walked away. Katsuki kicked a rock as he walked closer to Izuku, the water splashing next to him at the impact from the rock. Izuku frowned as the water hit him on the face and arm, but the blond paid no mind.
"Stupid Deku! Why did you follow me?" He crouched down, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the cut on Izuku's leg. It was pretty deep, the blood still seeping out and down into the sock that was more red than white now. The idiot was covered in mud now, small scrapes covering his legs with tiny rocks stuck to them.
"I-I'm s-sorry." Izuku cried. He tried to wipe the tears that streamed down his face, a bit of blood smearing on his cheek from his attempt at holding his knee. "I-I just w-wanted to play, K-kacchan. Y-you alway l-leave me b-behind."
Katsuki frowned, the tightness in his stomach now forming a heavy lump as he watched the boy cry uncontrollably. He hated seeing Izuku cry, but it didn't out way his desire to be on his own now. He wanted to be friends with kids like him, who had cool quirks.
After a moment of thinking, Katsuki sighed as he wiped the sweat on his hands onto his pant legs. He turned around, still crouching and extended his arms behind him. "Common loser," He said, his tone flat as he waited for Izuku to climb on. When he didn't feel or hear Izuku move he glanced behind him. Izuku had a frown that fell deeper than he had ever seen before. The look didn't fit the brightness that Izuku always carried with his smile. It was irritating. 
"Do you want the hag to yell at me? Is that why you followed me, so I would get in trouble?!" He demanded, keeping his words short and low in case his mother could hear him. He swore the Hag had super hearing as well, she always seemed to know what he was doing despite never being there.
Though, he knew that wasn't the reason why the idiot followed him today. Izuku would never do anything that would get him into trouble. The kid was too much of a goody two shoes to tattle on him.
Izuku's eyes grew wide, the tears making his eyes look even more glassy. "N-no!" He panicked. His voice still wobbled as he tried to swallow his sorrows. He climbed to his feet, a small whimper leaving him as he tried to keep his knee from hurting more.
Once he was positioned on Katsuki's back, the blond stood with a grunt. He began to make his way through the trees, his arms clasped under Izuku's knees to keep him in place as he weaved along the unmarked path.
He kept his mouth shut as the blood began to seep into his shirt, his side getting sticky and gross. If anything it would just be proof to the hag that he was being a good friend.
"T-thank you, Kacchan." Izuku mumbled, his chin wrestling on Katsuki's shoulder as he held the boy tight.
"Whatever, stupid Deku." Katsuki mumbled, though a small smile pulled at the corner of his mouth as Izuku's arms tightened around him. He wouldn't say it out loud, but he liked how much Izuku relied on him.
Word count: 1274

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