Writing Adventures

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Hello writers, thank you a thousand for joining and making the Little Writer's Group possible! Have a seat, grab a coffee, Boba, pop, tea, orangeade, or hot chocolate, and make yourselves comfortable. Hey @Handcuffs_and_Iguana, I made a mango lassi for the first time last week and it was delicious!

You may not need to address my name but if I'm wrong, you can call me Avy. In this very first session of The Little Writer's Group we will be getting to know a little bit about one another's writing adventures. I will ask four questions and everyone can give their brief answers as to not fill the comments with exceedingly long paragraphs. If anyone has extra questions, don't hesitate to ask them. This will be a great way to learn something new from everyone and I hope we will all have a wonderful time at the Little Writer's Group first official session! 

The first question is when did you start writing? When I was eight years old I wrote short picture books about a girl named Lila, who had sleepovers and playdates with her friends. I've loved books ever since I learned how to read and as I grew older the books I enjoyed writing soon evolved from children books to novels for older kids to what I write now. The first novella I've ever written was about a boy and girl who were summoned to candy land by a queen who was in trouble. I was eleven when I wrote this hoping to write an original story about candy land. Less than halfway through the book, I realized how terrible it was and threw all my work into the recycling which I regret doing as it would have been great to read and laugh at. I think that's a huge problem with a lot of new writers because they compare their first drafts to published books by experienced authors and bring themselves down, but we'll discuss this in another chapter. Then I started writing a story about a princess who set off on a quest with two of her personal maids and two guys they met along the way. I changed the story quite a lot before posting it on Wattpad only to unpublish it because I found the plot poorly thought out. Having learnt from my previous mistake, I set this story aside for later as I work on another book. My writing knowledge has improved a lot over the years and I would love to share everything I know in one of the following chapters.

Second question, what made you want to write? I never have the answer for this question and don't stress if you don't either. What I do know is if I ever stopped writing, I don't know how I could live - not to be dramatic or anything, but writing is a huge part of me. There's a quote that says a 'writer is a world trapped inside a person' I don't remember where it came from or who wrote it, but I often think this must be the reason why I write. I am always imagining and I'm sure there are many of you who can relate when I say I wish I lived in a different world. I've always thought, 'if I can't physically enter my imaginary world, then I'll write about it and share it with others who can enter by reading. Writing is the only way I can bring my characters and the scenarios swarming in my head to life. 

Third question, what is your favourite thing to write about? Fantasy. Ever since I was introduced to fantasy books I have loved nothing better than to think up crazy stories set in magical worlds. I love making fantasy maps, creating creatures, and inventing ideas no has ever though up. I also enjoy a little futuristic style which is what my next book will be so if you're into it, keep an eye peeled for a new book. 

Fourth question, what is your writing goal? Whether you write for self entertainment or the dream of becoming a published author, everyone has their own writing goals. My goal is to write a well written, captivating book and have it sold all over the world. Can you imagine readers writing fanfics about your book and obsessing over your characters? If you continue writing a little bit everyday, you are one step closer to your goal. Whatever you do never doubt your talent and writing skills.

Question of the week: What do you struggle with when writing? (This will be a topic for another week) 

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