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Nicki pov
*1 month later*
It's been a month since Bey asked me to be her girl. Can't lie this past month for us being official has been great. I haven't saw or spoke to Rih in a while so I'm gonna call her later.

Right now I'm currently out skating with Bey, Kelly, & her man Tim. They're both sweet & perfect for each other. "Stop pushing me." I laughed tryna skating away from Bey. "No bc you left me all the way back there when you knew I was putting my skates on, so now ima make your short ass fall." She said as I giggled. "I'm sorry baby, you was taking too long." I said as she pushed me again but this time I couldn't stop & I ran straight into someone.

"Omg you okay?" The girl asked, helping me get up as I nodded. "Yeah I'm fine thank you." I said as I got my balance back. "No problem, I'm Zendaya & this is my girlfriend Lakeyah." The girl said as I smiled at them. "Nice to meet you guys. Y'all are so cute together." I said as she shook her head. "Not as cute as you & Bey. That's my Godmother." Zendaya said as I nodded. "Thank you & she must doesn't know you're here. Her long neck ass over there tryna see what she eat." I said as they laughed.

"That's sounds just like Bey." She said as I nodded. "You guys should come over to our section. I'm pretty sure she'd be surprised to see you here." I said as they followed me.

"You done made new friends I see." Beyoncé said as I shook my head & sat on her lap. "Nope it's me Zendaya." Zendaya said as Beyoncé gasped. "Omg babyyy you've gotten so big. Last time I saw you, you were like 9. How old are you now?" She said as I smiled.

"I'm 17 now & this is my girlfriend Lakeyah. She's 17 too." Zendaya said as Lakeyah waved shyly at everyone. I watched them talk & catch up until I got big ass message from Rihanna.

bottom bitch 🥹💕- best I fucked up. I should've listened to you. I can barely see what I'm typing right now but hopefully this makes senses. I should've left Chris when I had the change. Turns out he's been abusing me for the longest but I never said anything. I didn't want you, bey & Kelly even Tim to get involved so I just let it be. But I can't cover this shit up anymore it's bad. Rlly bad. I need your help. I went through his phone & we was cheating so I went off on him. One thing lead to another & my whole face is fucked up. Currently he's not here. He just left out. But I need you guys to come get me before he gets back. I'm so sorry best I know I shoulda listened & believed you in the beginning.

I read the message & then checked her location. "Baby we have to go like right now." I said as she frowned. "Why what's wrong?" She asked as I showed them the messages. "Oh no that's not good. Can we come?" Zendaya asked as I nodded. Rihanna doesn't like everyone in her business but right now is not the time to be worrying about that.  "I'm gonna fuck him up." I mumbled as I walked to my car. Tim & I shared a look & I knew he was gonna figure something out dealing with Chris. "I got him Nic, just make sure Rihanna is safe & take her to the hospital if necessary." Tim said as I nodded. "Okay I will. Just make sure he die slow. Ion play about Rih or Bey. That nigga gone learn that today." I said as I got inside my car.

Bey & I rode in my car bc I wanted to drive today. "You guys follow behind me. Stay close ain't no telling what that nigga went to do or how far he went." I said once my window was down.

Once we arrived to the location, I grabbed my pink gun from the glove department. & Bey tried to hop out but I stopped her. "Let me handle this. Stay in the car." I said as she shook her head. "Baby you can't go in there by yourself, ain't no telling when's he's gonna come back. I don't want you getting trapped up in there." She said as I still wasn't giving in. "Tim is coming in w me. You trust me baby?" I said holding her chin to look up at me as she nodded. "Yes I trust you." She said. "Okay then let me handle this. Just stay in the car. I'll be back baby. & if all else fails, or if he tries to come to this car, there's another gun under your seat. It's on safety, all you have to do is press the side button, cock it back at the top, aim, then shoot. Make sure you aim anywhere. Just don't miss. I'll be out in a second, I just have to get Rihanna out of there. Tim is gonna handle the rest." I said as she nodded. She kissed me & I hopped out the car once I saw Tim coming. Shit is about to go down tonight.

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