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Your P.O.V

We put are belongings about the room and got ready for tomorrow. It was past one in the morning before i got to sleep. I don't know how long it took Liza. Probably not long at all if the light snores i was hearing were anything to go by.

When the alarm clock went off at 7:00a.m i swear i could have killed someone. I waved my hand around trying to find the stupid thing.

Liza: " Well, are you finally awake? "

The alarm finally shut off, so i sat up and rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes.

Liza: " You better hurry, you only got half an hour before classes start. "

" Are you serious!!? "

I jumped out of the bed and ran to the shower. After 20 minutes, i had showered, dressed and applied a small amount of make-up.

Liza: " Wow, i had no idea you could move like that. "

While applying the final touches to my attire: " What? It's the first day of school. I don't want to be late and i want to look good. "

Liza: " Since when did your mood change? "

" It hasn't, i only do this for the first day of school and the first day only. Screw that the rest of the year. "

Right then the door opened. It was that same creepy old lady.

Headmaster: " Are you ready to go? "

Liza with a broad smile on her face: " Yes we are. "

The headmaster whispered: " Well good, there wasn't a choice anyway. "

" What was that? "

Headmaster: "I said it's time to go or you'll be late for class. "

i whispered to Liza: " That's not what i heard the first time. "

Liza: "ok? weird cause i heard something else to. "

Headmaster: " No talking in the hallways. "

" Seriously? "

Headmaster: " Yes, now ssshhh! " with a some what cross face and a finger to her lips. She turned around and continued to lead the way. We didn't say another word.

'This is so not going to go well.....'

The lady stopped and turned. She took out a key, opened the door for us.

Headmaster: " Here is where your days classes will take place. "

" The whole day? "

Headmaster: " Yes, except for lunch. Just follow you classmates to find out where to go. "

With that she turned and left us. So with no other choice except maybe running out of this building, screaming like a maniac. We walked into the room. Everyone turned to look at us, Liza just smiled and waved at them. Sometimes i really wonder about her.

A person who i guess was the teacher came out of a side room and introduced us to the class. He handed us a couple really heavy text books, pointing to the board up front.

Teacher: " This is what you will work on today. Choose a seat and you may get to work. "

Then he walked back into his office or whatever and shut the door.

Luckily there were two open seats right next to each other. We sat in those seats, opened a random book and started on our work.

It was deathly quiet in the room. I felt as if everyone there would glare at me if i so much as sneezed.

We got two of the five subjects stuff done before the lunch bell rang. When it went off i jumped and i swear i heard some snickers from somewhere in the room.

By now i was starving, because we had no breakfast. I had no idea what time it was, because of the lack of clocks like anywhere. 

Liza and i quickly cleaned up our stuff and followed our classmates out of the room. We walked down the hall and entered a door quite similar to all the other doors we had passed. The lunch room itself was only about three times the size of a small class room. After one look around we stepped into the waiting line.

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