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Your P.O.V

: “ Well, look who it is. The little brat from the lunch room. “ I said while turning around.

The girl standing  beside Britney: “ Oooo, she just burned you Brit. “

Britney: “ Shut up Vanessa! “

As they started to bicker at each other, Liza and I started to laugh. Britney lost her focus and turned to us.

Britney: “ What’s so funny?! “

You could hear the anger in her voice, but the scene was too funny to me to really care.

Liza: “ Were probably supposed to be fighting to the death or something and all you guys are doing is yelling at each other. We could have killed you both in a second, because of your lack of focus. “

You could easily see that Britney was sure mad now.

Britney: “ O yeah, well let’s fight! “

I laughed: “ Bring it on! Liza you get Vanessa. “

Britney and Vanessa charged at us. Liza and I stood our ground grinning.

Vanessa: “ Were gonna… “

She never got to finish. In a blink Liza was gone and in front of her. One punch to the stomach and a spin kick to the face, Vanessa was totally out of it. Britney turned to look, which was a mistake. I hit her with everything I had at the end of her jaw, causing an instant knock out.

Liza: “ Well, that was a little too easy. “

I nodded. We picked up Britney without any trouble and dragged her over to the control panel. I put her hand of the scanner and lucky us, it worked. We dropped Britney where we stood and entered to long code. After that we quickly tied up Britney and Vanessa so they could alert anyone else that we were here. Liza led the way out of the room and back down the halls towards our destination.

As we were running, I suddenly pushed Liza to the side. She rolled and jumped back up.

I held my bicep: “ Run!! “

Liza didn’t need to be told twice. Around the corner, we dived into a classroom, shutting the door behind us.

: “ Would you hurry up and give some gauze wrap already. “

Liza looked up from her spot on the floor, saw my arm and freaked. Blood was creeping over my fingers, all the way down my arm, slowly dripping onto the floor making a small puddle. Liza hurriedly got into her bag, found the gauze and came over to me. I winced as she tried to clean the cut. She put a bit of ointment on my wound then wrapped it up.

: “ That should hold it for now, but it probably needs some stiches. “

Liza: “ We have got to get out of here. Our mission is complete. “

: “ Only partly, I’m not leaving until we make sure everyone in our group has made it out. “

We nodded in agreement and ran from the security of our hiding spot, towards the sounds of fighting was.

Thump, thump, a grunt, the sounds of solid hits connecting to their targets. Speeding up, we charged around the corner. As soon as we saw the uniform of the school, we attacked

 A quick hit from the side of our hands to their necks and a kick to their backs. The two we had hit first were out cold on the floor and before the next two even turned around, they were the same. Now as more of the students turned around to face us, we could see, they were holding weapons, while we had none. They had knives, long metal rods, to the occasional length of chain. Though most fought with just their fists.

One decided she could take me on, she lunged at me with her dagger. I barely evaded the knife from stabbing my stomach. As moving to the side I spun on my heel and brought my other foot up. I aimed for the side of the girls head, but she ducked out of the way. As soon as my foot landed, I flipped back a few feet.

: “ Nice, it looks like will have more of a challenge with this Liza. “

Liza: “ It just adds to the fun. “

Liza and I smiled to the faces surrounding us. They were just as determined as us to take our opponent down.

The fight continued for quite a while. Though many were down, our side was losing its steam. There was just to many on the enemy side. It never seemed to stop.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a student sneaking up on another one of our group members. Without really thinking, I grabbed the closest weapon to me. Which just so happened to be one of those long metal rods. I ran at the guy, he had a knife almost close enough to make the kill.]

: “ Hey you!! “

I used what I had learned in hiding your voice. To him it sounded as if I was right behind him. He stopped for two seconds. Which is just what I needed to reach him. I brought it down on his shoulder breaking it with a solid snap. My team member nodded thanks. Each of us went off in a different direction. Hoping that soon the battle would end.

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