➶ 。˚ ☁️*:・゚ Chapter Four: Stars + You!・゚✧

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     So far, nothing had happened. Kunikida had dutifully obliged Fukuzawa's orders and had been following Dazai around lately, much to his annoyance at the other's enthusiasm. It seemed to be effective; he'd step in whenever he thought he was fit, and it made a difference.

     "Great, just keep going at it." His co-worker said between bites, gobbling up his snacks. His efforts had certainly paid off, yet Kunikida felt dissatisfied. Was it the tedious assignment or perhaps his longing for more familiar work? Anyhow, he knew all he wanted was an out.

     "Seriously?! Why does it have to be me anyway? Can't you just get someone else to do it? I have more important matters that beg for my attention." He grumbled, but this wasn't so bad, was it?

     "There's a really, really great reason, which I can't seem to remember at the moment." Ranpo sat up, stretching out his arms above his head. Kunikida's eye twitched, groaning in annoyance.

     "I know you know; can't you just tell me?!" He said this before letting out a defeated sigh and slapping his forehead.

     "Shh.. your secret's safe with me," Ranpo shushed the other with a finger to his lips before jumping out of his seat suddenly and leaving the room, leaving Kunikida utterly confused. He gave up on running after the stray detective and sat in annoyance. He blinked for a few seconds, sitting in complete silence, before pulling out his phone.

Beep, beep, beep—the electronic noises came out of his phone as he dialed the number of the co-worker he's supposed to be looking after.

Buzz... The phone dialed, and he put it up to his ear in anticipation. His foot tapped against the floor impatiently as the seconds went by. He sat in silence, waiting to hear the voice of his co-worker.

     "Yeah?" Dazai answered, and Kunikida lifted his gaze from the floor to the wall.

     "Where are you?" Followed by silence, hesitance, maybe?

     "C'mon, Kunikida, I don't need to be babysat like some child," he said, groaning. It wasn't like Kunikida was enjoying this either.

     "Just tell me where you are; I promise I won't come unless it's urgent." Kunikida sighed, knowing he might have to break that promise.

     "Fine, I'm right behind the nearest river, just admiring the scenery." He said it happily, followed by a large splash and the audio cutting out for a moment.

     "Dazai??" He said, concerned for the other, just a little. Maybe a lot.

     "I'm- Fine." Dazai spoke happily between coughs and wheezing before settling down in silence.

     "I'm not even going to ask, as long as you aren't disturbing anyone."

     "Good. I'll see you later, if I make it." Dazai said into his phone, menacingly breathing into the cell. Kunikida gave a weird look at his phone as if it were Dazai and hung up the call without saying another word.

Finally, Kunikida had time to do his own work without having to babysit Dazai. He happily hopped into his chair and began working on his typical ADA work. He prided himself on being the last one to leave the building and the first one to make it there, truly employee of the century.


     A few hours passed by, depleting Kunikida of the rest of his energy. He found himself completely worn out, exhausted, and ready to go home as soon as possible. He got up and stretched, enjoying the satisfying crunch of his bones after some hard work. Kunikida usually wasn't this tired after a workday; how peculiar. Probably from all the stress Dazai puts him through every moment they're together, the chaos is simply too much.

Kunikida packed up his things, ready to go home after another normal day. He exited the building, enjoying the calm yet piercing silence. He could see his breath condense and leave him, disappearing into the night sky. He put his hands on his face and let out a breath of warm air. It seemed like fall was coming soon.

Kunikida quietly began his walk back home, humming a soft tune with a pep in his step. The cold pricked at his skin, and he wrapped his arms around himself, conserving his warmth. His cheeks grew red at the cold, and he warmed his hands with his breath. I wonder what I'll have for dinner.

As he continued his walk home, he watched the lit-up windows for quite some time, admiring the beauty in his home city, Yokohama. The one that he'd sworn to protect, because what will he become if he lets innocent citizens pass?

Kunikida continued to walk, nearing the end of his walk before he reached his home. He could see it in the far distance; it seemed the sky was even darker now; he should be home. He found himself near the bridge, where water flowed underneath. He stopped to admire the scenery. Why hadn't he done this more often? Truely, Yokohama at night was the best; the shimmery star-like lights in the distance made him smile softly. Yes, he should come here more often; it'd be a shame not to.

Blurp, blup, blup...

     He heard, and Kunikida turned to the thick stream of water beside him. Someone was drowning! He couldn't quite make out the figure in the potent darkness between them. He quickly dropped everything and dove in without a second thought; he couldn't let anyone die without doing something.


     Kunikida's body hit the surface of the water, making large waves of water splash everywhere and thick ripples throughout the entire body of water. He grabbed the person by their shirt and pulled them to the edge, where he threw them onto the dry concrete before pulling himself up. He coughed, sputtering out water.

     "Are you alright?!" He shouted, clothes soaking wet and dripping water onto the concrete. He went over to the person he saved, and loud coughs came from their bodies. He immediately picked them up and rushed to a wall so they could sit with back support. He watched small bits of water fly out as they coughed violently before wheezing. They gasped for air greedily, taking in as much as they could as if to rid the world of oxygen entirely.

     "Are you alright?" He repeated himself, hoping they were conscious enough to form a response. Though he was met with silence, he sat patiently for a few moments before checking their pulse. Alive, he thought, and he was hit with immense relief.

     "H-Hey...Kunikida.." An all-too-familiar voice came out of the body: Dazai. He blinked, confused, before that confusion turned into anger.

     "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He yelled, pulling Dazai by the collar of his inner shirt, livid. He clenched the soaked fabric tightly; his mouth felt dry. He scowled, glaring below him at the man, whom he'd already known was suicidal.

He didn't know if it was the moonlight or his eyes finally adjusting to the darkness, but Dazai's luxurious, muddy brown eyes stared back at him. Eyes with a glint in them like no other, eyes that told a whole story, eyes that looked mesmerizing like the stars. They shared a moment of silence, which Kunikida deemed incredibly awkward.

He noticed his glasses floating in the water and snatched them back, cleaning the lenses off with his vest. He glanced back at Dazai, who looked back at him. The look in his eyes told him Dazai was very, incredibly disappointed.

     "Damnit, Kunikida, couldn't you just let it go?" He groans, sighing as he pushes wet hair away from his face.

     "Are you kidding me? Do you think I'll just let you die, you suicidal maniac?!" He hissed, glaring at the other detective with fury in his eyes. Dazai smiled, which turned into a chuckle, then a laugh.

     "Hah," he said, still giggling. Only then did Dazai notice how dark it was outside. He looked past Kunikida at the sky, the deep, vast expanse of the night sky alone with its shimmery stars captivated.

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Fourth chapter, (^///^) I hope everyone is enjoying this book as much as I do writing it! You know who you are, anyways Dazai is so hard to write!! <(┬┬﹏┬┬)> Stay tuned for Chapter Five~!

╰┈➤ Author ╰(▔∀▔)╯02/26/24/9:06/PM

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