Chapter 1

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Frieren's POV

"My most humble thanks," the merchant uttered, his voice tinged with relief as he patted his horse. The large wagon in tow loomed behind him, laden with goods. "When I encountered this landslide, I feared I wouldn't be able to make it across."

It's been twenty-eight years since the passing of Himmel the hero. Fern, Stark, and I were on the Eng Road, which was nestled within the rugged mountain terrain of the Northern Lands. We were clearing a landslide for a merchant who needed passage. Stark tirelessly shoveled while Fern and I wielded our magic, lifting and moving the larger boulders that obstructed the path, sending them tumbling down the cliffside. Our plan was to make it to Aureole, or Heaven, as some call it. Our next stop was Graf Granat's domain, not too far up the path we were on.

"Hey, uh, is this actually necessary?" Stark's voice cut through the silence of our work.

"Are you unhappy? He's offered a fine reward," I replied as I continued magically lifting rocks and tossing them over the cliff alongside Fern.

"It's not that. Couldn't you just use your magic to move the cart?" Stark proposed.

"But what of future travelers? They'd be stuck here. We wouldn't want to be selfish, would we?" I countered.

"That's rich, coming from you," Stark retorted, shedding his coat and stretching his limbs and back. The merchant, seizing the opportunity, proffered a leather canteen to the boy.

"I insist that you drink," the merchant urged.

"Oh? Thank! That'd be great," Stark accepted gratefully, gulping down the offered water before surveying the surroundings. "It's strange. I thought landslides happened on a bigger scale."

"The Northern Lands have been fighting demons in this area. Their clashes have had a far-reaching impact on the local terrain. This was likely caused by such a skirmish," the old man elucidated. War does indeed change things, and the environment is one of them. I heard Fern ask Stark for help, so they started talking to each other about something, though I wasn't paying too much attention. I was on the other side of the landslide, still tossing rocks off the cliff.

After a bit of hearing them talking, I poked my head atop the mound of rocks. "I assume you're making progress?" I interjected. They then began working once more.

It took a couple hours, but we managed to clear the path. "Ah, you have my undying gratitude. If you'd like, I could show you the fastest route into town," the merchant offered.



The ground shook a bit, and a loud explosive roar and a screech echoed from above; atop the mountain whos peak wasn't too far up from where we stood. Perhaps twenty meters. The top was a large plateau rather than a pointed summit like other mountains. The explosion startled the merchant, Stark, and Fern. "Move swiftly, there could be another landslide," Fern urged the merchant, her tone polite yet urgent.

"Yeah, go on without us. We'll make it to town after we handle this," Stark reassured. With haste, the merchant whipped his horse onward, disappearing swiftly down the Eng Road. We turned our attention back to the source of the explosion.



Another explosion reverberated through the air, followed by a piercing screech. Fern's gaze turned to me, a determined glint in her eyes. "We should take care of whatever is causing this. We wouldn't want another landslide to clean up," she asserted. Fern took flight and rose in the air. I did the same.

Frieren's Cursed Warrior (Frieren x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now