Chapter 13

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Frieren's POV

My face grew deadpan as we all stood in a horrible blizzard, including a villager.

Why did I have to open my mouth about a blizzard? I asked myself in thought.

"What did I tell you?" Y/n teased me with a shrug.

"Noted," I remarked simply.

"It looks serious," Fern stated.

"Yep, that it does,"

"Does indeed,"

"In this region, a wave like this could last an entire month. I don't recommend venturing far. Feel free to use the cabin until it passes over," the villager walked away.

"It's up to you, Sein. Should we try and leave?" I asked the priest.

"You already know the answer to that," he answered back.

"So, we're stuck here till the cold passes?"

"Sure, seems like it,"

"Hey, it's not all bad. At least we're trapped in a place with bars and shops, plus our cabin is nice and cozy," Y/n tried lightening the mood. "Plus, there's a really interesting magic shop here run by a shady old guy,"

Hearing that caused me to perk up with a smile. "Oh, I almost forgot about that!" I hummed. "I could perhaps find some legendary spells hidden away in there," I practically schemed.



It had been a few weeks since we found ourselves snowbound in the small village along the Rohr Road. The snow showed no signs of stopping, a relentless curtain of white that turned the world into a frozen stillness. Each day blurred into the next, the passage of time marked only by the deepening cold and the growing snowdrifts. With little else to do, I spent most of my days at the magic shop, browsing through grimoires.

"Oh, hey, Frieren," his voice broke through the cold as I passed by him on the way.

"Greetings. Where are you heading to?" I asked, stopping to meet his gaze.

"Sein wanted me to come drink with him at the bar. I figured it'd be good to spend more time with him before he leaves our party. Plus, he owes me two drinks anyway," Y/n replied with a smirk, his breath visible in the frosty air.

"What for?" I tilted my head, genuinely curious.

"Well, given the season, I believe my birthday should be within the next few days, and I think he owes us for teasing us at Lord Orden's soiree. Be sure to get on him about that," Y/n winked, his expression warm despite the freezing weather. "Anyway, I'll be in the bar at the center of town. Enjoy your time in the magic shop," he said before heading off, his figure slowly disappearing into the swirling snow.

His birthday... I had almost forgotten. But now, the thought of it lingered as I continued my walk to the magic shop. I'd never been particularly adept at choosing gifts. I brushed my chilled fingers over the hair clip he gave me. I wanted to get him something special, something meaningful. But what could I find that would be fitting? It's as if he already has everything.

As I pushed open the door to the shop, the familiar warmth and smell of old parchment greeted me. The shopkeeper, a shady, elderly man looked up from his counter.

"As, Miss Frieren, back again I see," he greeted me, his tone tinged with the slightest hint of resignation. "It's...good to see you again, as you've been here every day since the blizzard started," he added, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead as he likely considered the number of grimoires I had already perused. "You know, my shop is not a library," he muttered under his breath.

Frieren's Cursed Warrior (Frieren x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now