Chapter 38

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Alex: "Be honest with me, the fact that both of you were trying to join the police and one of you succeeded, I assume you had way more people In the competition trying to infest our ranks right?"

Nigel: "You're right and you'd have not a single way of knowing who you can trust or not"

Alex: "That may be true, but why now?"

Nigel: "Now? Oh you wouldn't know how long your ranks have been in jea-"

Mariah: "Enough, don't tell him everything"

Alex: *WHAT?!?! So before we even made it our ranks have already had double agents???*Alex thinks to himself

Nigel swings his baton sideways and Alex swings to clash and knock Nigel's baton away

After that Alex immobilizes Nigel and points his sword at him

Mariah: "Stop."

Mariah is pointing a gun at Alex....

Ethan and Ashton hear a gunshot

Chapter 38

Ashton: "A GUNSHOT?!?! Operator Gonte!"

Ethan: "I can't get to her either, I can just peek through the door"

Ethan peeks through the door

Ethan: "Oh, they'll be fine"

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