Chapter 6 || The Looooore!

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Talo awoke in a panic. He looked around to see his cosy hut, not a war-filled battlefield. "Goddamnit! Another terrifying dream thing?! WHY?!" he screamed out, then wondering why he was yelling to himself. He let out a heavy sigh. He inspected his body to see how much of the damage he suffered in his dream happened in real life as well. If he suffered from all of what happened to him, well, he'd be dead. Plain and simple.

He had a lot of scratches and bruises, but that was it. Somehow he suffered more physically from his first dream. However, the images of purple hues and blood soaked blades still lingered in his mind. He wasn't sure how he was feeling. Mad? Angry? Confused? Scared? "Hell, what about all four?!" he laughed sadistically. Obviously, what he had seen was messing with him. "I need to calm down..." he shakily told himself.

He stood up and grabbed a cup of water, and used some Frost magic to make it cold. He chugged it down in just a few seconds, before making another one and doing the same. He tried forcing thoughts about it back into the dark corners in his mind, as he got ready and left his home to meet up with Kai yet again. Hopefully a nice day in the library with him would help? The path to the village directly was a decent bit simpler than to their training spot. There was a small path that led him to it without much danger possibly being in the way.

He yet again got to Labed scot-free, as he looked up to the library. There was a small incline that led to it, making it the highest thing in Labed Village, besides maybe the tip of the stone statues sword. Outside the entrance of the half white stone made building, Kai was leaning on a small pillar. It looked like he was daydreaming, until he noticed Talo running up. "Hey!" A little out of breath from running, a little out of breath from the memories pushing into his mind, he responded with a simple 'Hello." Kai stepped away from the pillar, but as he looked at Talo, he noticed something off. "Are you OK Talo?" It looked like he had snapped him out of some sort of daydream, but was surprised by the question.

"Yeah, I'm fine! Why do you ask?" Kai could tell he was lying, or at least not telling the full truth. "You're shaking." He gave Talo a face of worry and concern, something he did somewhat often when Talo was feeling down or afraid. "O-Oh, I didn't notice that!" He said without sarcasm. He genuinely didn't know he was shaking, but he knew why. Somehow, it felt like Kai knew Talo better than Talo knew himself. "I-it's fine! I'm fine. Just a dream shook me up a little... nothing big..." Kai looked at him again, with the same look. "Hey, I'm fine if you wanna talk about it..." He put his hand on Talo's shoulder. He felt a small panic run through his system, then knocked his hand off and took a step back.

A quick red flashing on his face, he quickly got "Seriously, I'm fine, really!" out. Obviously not fully believing his lies, but not wanting to push him too far, he left it for now. "OK... but if you ever-" "Yeah yeah, thanks. Let's just go inside." He forced the thoughts out of his mind. He had no desire to study into it, and the less he thought about it, the better. Kai followed him inside hesitantly as Talo began to act 'normally'. Kai let it go and followed him on that idea, ignoring the fact Talo was obviously... not feeling a hundred percent. As they walked into the half of dark wood, half white stone building, they saw a man with long brown hair put into a ponytail and an apron sweeping the floor. He was humming a small tune until he looked up and saw the boys starting to approach him. "Hi Mr. Rend!" they called out simultaneously.

"Hello my fellow bookworms!" he replied. Cinger Rend, or as they called him, Mr. Rend, was the librarian and basically the only staff member of the library. However, he was incredibly kind and charismatic. "What are you two up to today?" he asked. "Yesterday we agreed we'd go here... so... we did!" Kai spoke up. "Huh. Don't know why I expected anything different from you two..." He shrugged it off. "Well, just make sure you don't bother any of our other readers! As you can tell, today's very busy." They looked around obviously, knowing that they would see not another human soul. "Yeah, I hear the dust is like rom-coms!" Kai joked.

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