28-mental hospital

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song: sarah - alex g

(im going to leave you guys on a cliffhanger for what happened with cameron🙈)
layla's pov
i wake up at 7:45 by my mom and she tells me to come down to eat breakfast. we were up last night packing my things and talking. my mom thinks that this can really help me but i don't think that's true.
i go down stairs and my mom and dad are talking and they greet me as i walk into the kitchen and sit down. we have one last breakfast together. "what time am i supposed to be there" i say "about 10:00" my mom says as i nod. " we probably have to leave soon because it's like an hour and a half away." my dad says
we talk more and my parents talk to me about this. "honey we know it's going to be hard but we know you can get through it" they say as i tell them i know. i can't tell them how i actually feel because i want them to think im getting better.
"can you guys not tell anyone this. like not even if my friends call" i ask "of course honey we won't tell anyone without your permission "i'll tell them eventually but when im ready" i say.
the car ride was pretty calm. my parents talked for a bit while i just listened to music. i realize this will be the last time i listen to music for the next couple of days.
once we get there they talk to my parents for a couple minutes until i have to say goodbye to them. i give up hen both a hug. and my mom tells me to be myself and my dad tells me to focus on myself. they leave and i'm so sad. this would be the longest time i've been away from them since i've met them.
one nurse takes all my things and takes my phone. she takes me to a room and tells me my schedule and everything. "hi layla i am nurse luna, and im going to be your personal nurse and if you need anything please ask me. i know this maybe seem very uncomfortable and i get it but just remember this is all just to help you." she said. she hands me some clothes "these are the clothes you are going to be wearing while you are here. there are comfy pajamas and some clothes that are like scrubs. there are also some socks and if you would like i can get you some slippers" she says as i nod. "okay you can change into those as i get you slippers.
there is only a curtain so i close it and change into the new clothes. i wait for her to come back until i hear her ask if i was done changing and i say yes. she gave me the slippers and took my clothes and told me to follow her. we went to a room with other nurses when she gave my clothes to another nurses and told her my name. she put them in a bag and put them with my phone in another place. Nurse luna then took me to a room that was blue and next to the door way in the hallway it said temporary rooms. we walked inside to a small room. it had a bed a side table and a lamp. my bag i brought was on the bed after they looked through it of course. there was a little tv that was hung in the corner. the remote had a velcro strip on the back to side to the side of the tv. "this is the schedule we use almost every day" she says while handing me a sheet of paper.
the schedule

8:00- wake up (get ready)
8:30- breakfast
9:30 - meditation
10:00: daily check ins
10:25 - one-on-on physolagist session
11:25 - group therapy
12:25- crafts
1:00 - quiet time
1:45 - lunch
2:45- group bonding
3:30 - quiet time
4:15- private therapy session
5:00 -physical activity's
6:00- dinner
7:00- mental health specialist
8:00 - games/movie
9:00 - games/movie
9:30- daily revision
10:00 - lights out

"what is quiet time" i ask her as i look up from the paper " it is just dedicated time to yourself that you can spend on yourself. you can that showers during that time, or you could read or do a craft, it is just time for yourself really" she says while smiling.  "i don't know if you know this but when you take a shower just come tell me or another nurse because some has to be outside the bathroom" she says as i nod.
after we talk it is already 11:20. "in 5 minutes group therapy is going to start. do you have any questions about it before" she asks me " what do we do" i ask "well i am the nurse running group therapy today so if you have any other questions just ask me but especially it's like a big conversation about how we feel and how to cope. and some at the end we ask fun questions" she says as she gets up from where she was sitting. "are you ready" she asks as i nod. she takes us to the commons area where there are chairs set up in a circle. she sits in one and i sit next to her. one by one people come and sit down. she waits until everyone is there and then starts. "okay hello everyone today we have someone new joining us so why doesn't everyone introduce themselves with their names and ages and maybe something they like to do. i'll go first. hello im nurse luna and i like to walk my dog" she says as she turns to the girl next to her. "my name is ava. i'm 17 and i like to play soccer" she says as she turns to next person and the next:
"my name is josh. i'm 15 and i like basketball"
"my name is bradly and i'm 17 and i like science"
"my name is sarah i'm 16 and i like to do art"
"my name is emily i'm 13 and i like poetry"
"my name is lucas i'm 16 and i like listening to music"
"my name is noah and i like skate and im 17"
"my name is mia and i'm 15 and i like to read"
"my name is abby i'm 17 and i like animals
"my name is sebastian i'm 16 and i like to draw"
"my name is sofia i'm 13 and i like to ride my bike"
my turn comes up and i take a deep breath "im layla i'm 15 and i like to paint and listen to music" i say
nurse luna nods and smiles " that is great that we get to learn more about each other. does anyone want to open up our discussion on ways to improve your mental state" she asks as abby raises her hand.
the conversation goes on for an hour until it's
12:25 and its craft time. we all go an sit at a table. there was one big circle table. i sat in between lucas and sarah. the craft was making things out of paper like origami. i made little bouquets of flowers. i learned how to make them a couple months ago and i would make them for all my friends. "whoa how did you make that" lucas asked me "oh i learned how to make them a couple months ago. do you want me to teach you" i ask as he nods.
i teach him how to and i start to get along with him, but also everyone else. we all talk and it's almost like it came to me naturally. maybe it was because they already know the weakness part of me because im here but so are they. they knew something only my parents knew. this was the first time someone else knew something about me other than my brothers or even cameron.
it was 1 and it was quiet time so i went back to my room. i go into my bag and get out one of the books my brothers brought me. i read a couple chapters until nurse luna comes and check up on me. we talk for a bit.
"you look a little upset. you know if you need to talk to me i'll be here for you. i am a good listener" she says "well the only people who know about me being here is my parents and my therapist. i didn't tell my brothers and that makes me a horrible person" i say while crying lightly. " listen you don't have to tell you brothers everything. sometimes things are too personal and this can be one of them." she says as i nod.
we talk a little more until it's time for lunch and she walks me down to the cafeteria.
there are two long tables with each of them having 6 chairs. i was the first one there so i sat down and waited for everyone else. at my table lucas, emily, sarah, Sebastian, and josh sat down. every one else sat at the other table. we waited for the nurses to bring us the floor. the only reason why they brought us our food was because everyone had something different, like different quality's and what certain people could only eat. i also learning that they do this to make sure you don't pretend to drop the food or throw it out.
we had a random lunch that wasn't too bad.
after we cleaned up we had group bonding so we had to do a scavenger hunt. there were two teams boys vs girls.
we started at the commons area and they gave us our first clue. i started to get along with emily sarah more and i became friend with ava and mia. everyone has been really nice. i think it's because we are all here.
the girls won the scavenger hunt by one clue the boys couldn't answer.
we then had quiet time so i decided to take a shower so i told nurse luna and she just waited outside the bathroom to make sure nothing happened.
it was time for my private therapy so nurse luna took me into this room and i waited with her until my therapist came.
a couple minutes later and the door opened and doctors caleb and nurse luna leaves. "what are you doing here caleb?" i ask very surprised "well i told you i was going to check up on you and this facility is connected to the therapy center" he says as he smiles "what do you think of it" he asks "it's a good break from everything. it's like the world goes on but im stable. you know what i mean because i can't leave and i don't know what's happening so i am in a stable place" i say as he nods "i think what happened with you layla was that you got too overwhelmed with everything and you could take it. even at home because you could leave or you could stay at home. and you weren't on a schedule. a schedule makes to focus on what you need to do and not what's going on" he says as i nod "have you made any friends?" he asks as i nod "i made a couple. i think everyone is really nice" i say we talk a bit more until one nurse comes in and say it time for physical activity. i thank caleb and leave to go to the commons. we go outside to the courtyard. they even had a playground for teenagers that was very big. i just went on the swings until it was time to go back in and eat dinner. we had some sandwiches and i finished it after everyone and i was kind of embarrassed.
after dinner a mental health specialist came and talked to us. she was very nice and shared her stories about her struggles with depression and anxiety in high school. we told us to just take one step at a time and relax
after we watched the hunger games because they had the cd and everyone decided to watch it.
i went to sleep after the movie was over and i realized that it isn't so bad as i thought.

2010 WORDS

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