Chapter 2 🏵️

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As soon as I laid my eyes on the Ackee, Salt fish, fried dumplings and plantains placed out on the table, nothing could stop me from drifting to take a seat. Call me extra but It's been so long since I've had a good old fashion Jamaican breakfast, and it sure smelled like the good old days. My grandma would whip up delicious meals every chance she had when we visited her in Jamaica; I used to live for those days. It's a pity she's no more; she was the best.

"Wow, mom, this looks amazing!" I gushed; she doesn't always show it, but she sure loves compliments.

"Obviously, I learned from the best," she shot back with a grin, and we both cracked up. After a good laugh, we bowed our heads to give thanks for the meals before us and then we dove in.

Midway through our meal, my mother, 'ever curious and concerned', inquired about Joshua. I had no problem telling her about his well-being but then she brought up 'Elias.' I was definitely not prepared for her questions.

"Enough about Josh. How is my future son-in-law? I haven't heard from him in a while. Is he going to be here today? I can't wait to finally meet him again after so long."

I spaced out for a bit, trying to figure out which question to answer first. I too had no idea how he was doing, nor had I heard from him in the past seven days. Initially, I thought that since today was a special day he would contact me or respond to my messages, but he hadn't. At least not as yet.

"Sere," my mom called out to me, snapping me back to reality. "Is everything okay?"

"Uhh...umm, yeah, everything is okay. I just- it's nothing."

She furrowed her brows and mumbled. "It sure doesn't sound like it. Is something wrong with you and Elias? Is he okay? Is he going to be here today? " She asked again.

I sighed, "Mom, I'd be lying if I said I knew the answer to your questions; Elias has been MIA. Apparently, he had some emergency at the hospital, and for the past seven days I haven't heard a single word from him."

She widened her eyes in surprise. "Really? Have you tried checking in on him to see if everything is, okay?"

"Trust me, I've tried. He barely picks up when I call, and my messages are left on read. I've also visited his house but he's never around. It's like he's been staying at the hospital. When I even visit his department in hopes of meeting him, according to his friend Japeth, he's always preoccupied with surgeries or in important meetings."

Mom paused as if she was trying to process what I had just said.

"That's quite odd," She finally spoke up. "It sure seems like he's...he's, what's that word again?"

"What word?" I asked but she completely ignored me, trying as hard as she could to sound it out.

"Ghosting! he's ghosting you."

I leaned back in my chair, glancing at her with a raised eyebrow. "Mom, what do you know about ghosting at this age?"

She smiled, folding her arms. "I have TikTok, what do you expect?"

We both laughed, the conversation taking a light-hearted turn, but it didn't last for too long.

"On a serious note, Sere, Him not contacting you at all for seven days is really quite odd. You always told me how much he prioritized your relationship so why does it seem like he doesn't. Today is your birthday and from listening to what you just said, I bet he hasn't even made an effort to call or text you. I don't want to pry too much into your relationship, but did you guys have a serious argument or fight?"

I shook my head, "No, we didn't; We don't have the time to. The day has just started, he might call."

She also shook her head and murmured, " 'He might,' He most definitely should."

I tried to reassure her, and perhaps myself as well, "Mom, he's not just any doctor, he's a neurosurgeon. His field takes up a lot of time and effort. He definitely would have contacted me already if he wasn't dealing with something really, really important." Though I spoke with confidence, his constant absence was excruciating. This was the eighth time in three months that he had focused just on work and had gone completely silent on me (A total of 56 days).

"Alright, that's understandable, but when someone really loves you, they make time for you no matter what. If he's doing this now, don't you think it's an indicator that he is not in-"

Feeling the need to shift the conversation, I interrupted, "You've been up since 5 this morning preparing breakfast so let's finish eating before the rest of our food gets cold."

"Are you really going to turn a blind eye to what's happening? He might be indicating that he's not interested anymore," She remarked.

Those words irked me more than anything. My doubts could very well be true, and I don't know how I'd cope with another failed relationship.

"What do you want me to do then mom? We haven't had the time to talk about anything. For all I know you might be right, but I believe something might be wrong. Yeah, we used to pray together, but we don't. We used to go on dates, but those have become less frequent. We used to attend church together, but his demanding work schedule keeps interfering. We used to travel, take leisurely walks, and engage in deep conversations for hours on end, but sadly, we rarely do any of those things together anymore. Something is definitely wrong with him, I-I just have to be patient to find out what it is."

"Being patient works, but it might also hurt, so be careful." She warned

Overwhelmed with emotions, I began to cry; All the tears I'd been holding back finally broke loose. "I-I really don't know what else to do."

Without a word, my mom walked over to my seat and pulled me into a tight embrace. She gently stroked my back as I sobbed even more, "It's okay, sweetie," she whispered softly. "Sometimes it's alright not to have all the answers. Just let it out."

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