𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 || 23

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He rubs my arms again to feel the goosebumps. "Looks like I'll have to hold you closer."

"Why do you always do this," I shake my head and laugh.

(Jihan POV)

Jungwon and I have gotten quite comfortable in America the first week we were here. It's been a different work experience here, but I think we've both been enjoying it so far.

"Jihan are you ready? Should I call the driver?" Jungwon asks. I gave him a 'mhm' while buttoning up my last button on my shirt.

"Did you buy new work clothes just for America?" He laughs softly. I looked at him and smiled, "you noticed," I said with a questioning and affirming tone.

"I like these type of shirts on you. You should wear these in Korea too." He compliments me with real intentions which makes me feel a type of jitteriness.

"Okay, I'm ready to go." I grabbed my bag and walk out with Jungwon.

After a silent car ride we arrived at the PJS building to continue our work. We walk inside pulling out our cards to pass through. It felt normal but definitely different, since it really was different.

As we walk to our office Jay provided for us, I can't help but admire the interior over and over again.

We sit at our desks and continue work as well as stuff Jay has provided for us, to build a board with ideas on how the companies could benefit each other.

It's been a couple of hours we've been working. Suddenly we hear a knock. Jay comes in, "working hard?" He laughs with a genuine smile. "Yes sir," Jungwon replies looking up.

He looks at my computer full of ideas. "I like these," he points to a few. "I'm not done making the proposal, but I'm sure I'll be done by tomorrow guarantee."

Jay nods and clears his throat. "So are you guys busy after work?" He asks. "No, not today" Jungwon responds.

He puts his hands together, "great! Do you guys want to come over for drinks maybe? It'll be at my house. Just you guys, me, and my girlfriend."

I look at Jungwon cautiously but nod, since we haven't touched alcohol after that incident. He mouths me 'are you sure' and I reassure him.

"Yeah we'll come. Maybe at like, 6?" Jungwon suggests. Jay purses his lips together, "that's fine. We talk a little longer before Jay walks away and lets us finish our work.

We finished work a little early today. "How many proposals did you come up with?" Jungwon asks curiously as we walk out the building. "5, you?"

"3, my creativity is running low." He says disappointingly. "Don't be disappointed I'm sure they're good quality. Quality over quantity." I reassure him. He nods in agreement and lightens up.

We get into the car, "are you nervous for later?" He asks. "What do you mean?" I questioned him back.

"You know, Jay, alcohol," He pauses. "Oh right. Im sure we'll be fine it's just us and we know Cynthia and Jay won't do us like that."

"You're right," he smiles, "don't be worried about anything. I'm here!" I say playfully bringing up the mood in the car since it seemed a little confusing.

We get back to our hotel and I quickly undress out of my work clothes into more comfortable clothes since the day wasn't over yet and we'd be going out.

Jungwon does the same then comes over into my room. He lays right next to me on the bed. He leans on me while I'm scrolling through the photos he took of me so I could send them to my parents.

"You look pretty in this one," he says pointing to a photo. "Really?" I asked subconsciously. "Beautiful even," he laughs. I couldn't tell if he was joking. I laugh, "why thank you Mr. Yang." I replied.

We sit talking about nonsense until it was time for us to head to Jay's house. "Did you get his address?" I ask. I received a nod from Jungwon and we headed out to our destination.


HIHI omg im so sorry for Like no updates! I have been growing and I've been in and out of K-pop, but sorry for the SUPER short update I will be releasing another update tonight as well to make up for everything stay tuned!! Thank you for reading Accidental Kiss!


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