𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 || 24

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"Did you get his address?" I ask. I received a nod from Jungwon and we headed out to our destination.

(Jihan POV)

We arrive at Jay's house. It was Modern and big just how I expected it to be. We get out of the car and go up to the front door. We knock and we see Cynthia, his girlfriend, come open the door for us.

"Hi Jihan and Jungwon!" She hugs me and Jungwon. "Don't be shy come in," she says walking away to the kitchen. We took our shoes off and follow her.

We see Jay grabbing wine out of a cabinet. "Hey guys!" He says excitedly. "Hey Jay" Jungwon responds giving the same energy back.

"In case you guys are hungry we have have these chips that you guys might wanna try." He says pushing them closer to us. "Okay, thanks" I said with gratefulness.

We loosen up by sitting at the table having conversations. "Should we have the first drink?" Jay asked looking at Cynthia. "Only if you guys are ready," she asks us. I nod feeling comfortable.

We take our first drink lightening up the mood and it feels nice being able to have fun with friends again.

"How do you guys like the U.S. so far?" They ask us in unison. They laugh since it was unexpected. "It's been good," Jungwon and I say in unison as well. We all looked at each other and bursted into laughter.

"Coincidence!" Cynthia says playfully. We all talk getting more comfortable with each other.

After a few more drinks Jay and I swap places so I'm sitting next to Cynthia now. While they're talking about whatever ignoring them, Cynthia and I have our own conversation.

"You and Jay are so cute, why aren't you guys engaged? It's been four years right?" I asked. "Oh my gosh, right! I've been talking about it. I really love Jay and he's so husband material!" Cynthia says full of love.

It's so cute how one can love another so deeply. "What about you though! You're in your twenties and you've never had a boyfriend?" She asks with shock, "like girl, you're beautiful why has no one dated you?"

I shrug, "they all think Jungwon is my boyfriend." She laughs, "I can see why," I laugh along with her.

"So you're telling me, you've never liked him?" she asks genuinely. It has me in deep thought and she can tell. "But being more than friends could ruin what we have you know?" I explained without giving a direct answer cause I wasn't too sure myself.

"If that's how you feel babe, it can be confusing I know. Just don't let him get away, you guys are young and you have him! Get him when you can, or want!" We laugh in unison taking another drink.

Feeling the buzz I open a chip bag, "feel free" Cynthia encourages me. I try a chip of ruffles and it was surprisingly good. "You like it?" Jay chimes in. I nod, Jungwon reaches his hand for one taking a bite out of a chip. He nods with a loud 'mm' indicating it was good.

"Have more!" Jay laughs pushing it closer to the middle of all of us. We eat and have another drink. "To Jungwon and Jihan!" Cynthia says happily.

"Should we play a game?" Jay asks. "Sure" all of us say at the same time. Cynthia leaves to grab the games; before we play and Jungwon looks at me. "You okay? You're face is pink."

𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 || 양정원Where stories live. Discover now