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"Can I steal her for a while?" Blaise says asking Cho.
She runs off giggling slightly knowing that you and Blaise were gonna go to the astronomy tower. You both start walking when Blaise breaks the silence. "That was one hell of a bitch slap." Blaise says slightly smiling looking at you. "He deserved it" you laugh back. "I talked to Pansy just before I came down here...she was crying and shaking, she was just a whole mess." You say slightly laughing. "Jeez...did she apologize?" "No I didn't really even give her a chance to I just walked off. Then came here." you say softly. "I don't think Draco is gonna bother you anymore after today" he smiles at you. You smile back. "So you said you want to go to the astronomy tower right?" You say pausing. "Yeah.." he says giving you his same soft expression.

You two both continue walking until you get to the staircase leading to the top. You both walk up the stairs in comfortable silence. Once you get to the top you sit down on the ledge as the sun is finally setting. He puts his bag down. "So what'd you wanna talk about?" you say turning to look at his as he sits next to you. The breeze is cool and the sun is shining a golden light on you two. He just looks at your eyes admiringly he then looks down. He gently grabs your hand. Immediately your attention goes to his hands. He starts fiddling with the charm bracelet he got you. He looks back up at you, he takes a breath. "After what happened today...In the court yard..I realized how much I missed you. Having your head on my shoulder and your hand in mine...it was just...something that I could only ever do with you, and I don't ever wanna see you do that with anyone else. Y/n it's you...it's always been you.. *He says softly rubbing circles on the back of your hand* I don't know if you feel the same, if you don't that's okay. I just could keep that away from you any longer. *he takes a breath* When you were with Draco, I felt I had to keep away from you, I knew if I didn't I would rip you away from him. I just can't stand the thought of you being with anyone but me." He says softly. Your eyes begin to water a bit and you feel a tear drop from your eye. He lifts his hand and brings it to the side of your face. His hand now lays on your jaw line, his thumb wiping away the tear. His eyes glancing from your lips back up to your eyes as yours do the same. He looks into your eyes for consent, you nod. With his soft hand on your jaw he guides your face slightly to his. The seconds that it took for you two to connect felt like years. The emotions swirled in Blaise's chest, he had dreamt of this special moment for so long. The feeling of your breath against his face made chills go down his spine. The distinct rosy smell of your perfume and his mahogany cologne mixed together. As you close your eyes you finally feel his velvet soft lips against yours. His feelings, repressed for years, finally showed in this moment. As your lips connect your hand snakes up to the side of his face. A rosy blush rose to your cheeks. The sensation of his lips against yours felt natural, as if they were meant to be there. Blaise was intoxicated by the kiss, but he pulls away and rests his forehead against yours. He shakily breathes through his nose his chest rising with each breath, his hand still laying on your face. "It's always been you..." he whispers as his thumb softly glides against your cheek.


AHHHHHHHH oh my god I think this is so cute!!! This is my first time ever actually writing a more in depth kissing scene so please lmk how I did! T-T
I really hoped you liked this little series!!!

700 words

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