2 : Roman : The Invasion

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"Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do? What you gonna do when I come for you?" Roman sang low to himself as he moved pieces around a 3D representation of his interior and exterior territory.

Both had grown in the past few weeks with newcomers from all over rushing in. It amazed him how far word has spread about this territory confiscating White Marsh Mall area. When he and his people, eight years ago, gutted the exquisite mall and secured it, their leader refused to turn away civilians. Though it did lead to some unnecessary battles and bloodshed, the place grew into a small haven zone and now it's acquired the new title of territory.

"Roman, did you hear me?" said their chief of housing, Nehemiah Vandal.

He cut his pitch-black eyes at the tall slim man and his glasses and frowned. "Repeat it."

"We need to halt all new entries immediately if we want to retain what resources we have."

"He's right, boss," Amy Linton said, the territory's chief of Engineering, Technology, and Natural Resources. "While we're still trying to expand our greenhouse, we only have enough produce to feed under 900 mouths."

"And what is our pop count?"

"14 hundred- 45," Nehemiah said in a huff as if he was forced to say it multiple times. "And that's as of this morning."

"Even with the resources we're obtaining from people trade-ins for entry will soon not be enough," Amy said, scratching a section of her freckled cheek.

Roman sighed deeply and stared at the model as he brainstormed their situation. "We have done this plenty of times. Let's close the entry."

"I say for a month or two," Nehemiah said.

"If we're doing this, we should begin our expansion plan," his co-leader, Lil Mama said, leaning on the table to closely observe the lots surrounding the front of the mall.

"I second that," said his right-hand Dreamer, Amos Slivinski, in his faint Russian accent.

"Wait what expansion plan?" Nehemiah said widening his circular eyes that reminded Roman of a chameleon..

Roman stood straight and tall, sticking his thumbs into his belt. "Those beyond our borders are too close to the mall."

"You mean those camping outside the fence?" Nehemiah said.

"Si, amigo. Those people. We used to own the front three lots, but now they've overrun," Roman said.

"Too many people can be dangerous, Nehe," Lil Mama said, swapping a brown loc of hair from her face. The forty-year-old Dreamer was always the reasonable thinker in his committee. Having been a mom of four and losing two of them to the NTS, she never allowed her mind to weaken from grief or her resolve to survive. "The plan is to set up a second border, further away from the main entry."

"And who will live within the middle part?"

Roman shrugged. "The infirmary, cars, and security traps."

"Residence who wants to be safe getting some fresh air," Lil Mama added.

Nehemiah shifted, his face scrunching and showing his disapproval. Roman pressed a laugh as his heightened sensory detected a rise in the man's heartbeat. He knew how much everyone loved Nehemiah which meant he did not like getting on anyone's bad side, especially those beyond the border.

"They will not be happy." Nehemiah inputted.

"I don't care," Roman said narrowing his gaze. "We must think about our people first."

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