The Good Distractions

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As Ben 10 was totally engrossed in his Sumo Slammers game, he felt a gentle weight landing on his lap. Looking down, he saw Ben 23, the younger version of himself, sneaking up with that determined look on his face.

Ben 10 couldn't help but grin as he put his controller down, shifting his full attention to his mini-me. He pulled Ben 23 closer, enveloping him in a warm hug.

Ben 23 snuggled into Ben 10's neck, letting out a soft coo that melted Ben 10's heart on the spot. It was one of those moments that made all the alien battles and saving the world seem insignificant.

With a sense of contentment, Ben 10 rubbed Ben 23's back, his touch gentle and reassuring. He wanted to convey that no matter what happened, he'd always be there for him.

As Ben 23 nestled in, Ben 10 couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by a rush of affection. He kissed the top of Ben 23's head, silently promising to be his rock through thick and thin.

Suddenly, in the midst of their cozy moment, Ben 23 breaks the silence with the most unexpected thing—a joke. His eyes sparkle mischievously as he prepares to unleash the punchline.

"Hey, Ben," he starts, his voice barely containing the excitement, "why did the superhero flush the toilet?"

Ben 10 can't help but chuckle at the sheer randomness of the question. "I don't know, Ben. Why?"

"Because it was his duty!" Ben 23 bursts into laughter, barely able to contain himself at his own joke.

Ben 10's laughter joins in, the joke hitting just the right spot to tickle his funny bone. It's moments like these that make their adventures all the more memorable—the simple joy of sharing a laugh with someone you care about.

The laughter reaches its peak, and just when they thought the joke couldn't get any funnier, a sudden, unexpected sound escapes from Ben 23—a tiny, unmistakable fart. Both of them freeze for a split second before the room erupts in even louder laughter.

Ben 10, caught off guard, can't help but join in the hilarity. "Did you just...?"

Ben 23, still giggling, nods, his face turning slightly red. "Well, it was an unexpected bonus to the joke, right?"

They both burst into another round of laughter, the unexpected flatulence turning a simple joke into a full-blown comedic moment.

After the laughter subsides and a sense of contentment settles in the room, Ben 23, with his big, moist, doe eyes, gently tugs at Ben 10's shirt. There's a certain innocence in his gaze, a silent request that Ben 10 can't help but notice. It's that same look, that cute little kitty face Ben 23 always makes whenever he wants something, whether it's a snack or just a little attention.

Ben 10's heart melts at the sight. He knows that look all too well—it's the one that's hard to resist, the one that always seems to win him over. With a fond smile, Ben 10 leans closer to Ben 23, his eyes full of warmth and affection.

"Are you hungry, buddy?" he asks, already knowing the answer but playing along nonetheless.

Ben 23's face lights up with excitement, nodding eagerly. It's a simple gesture, but it speaks volumes—there's comfort in knowing that someone cares enough to anticipate your needs, to understand those little cues that make up the language of friendship.

With a chuckle, Ben 10 ruffles Ben 23's hair affectionately before getting up from the couch. "Alright, let's go rustle up some grub."

Amidst the casual atmosphere, Ben 23 suddenly starts to whine for Oreo cereal, his request taking on the tone of a playful demand. "Come on, Ben 10, I want Oreo cereal!"

However, the whimsical plea quickly transforms into a full-fledged tantrum. Ben 23 flops dramatically onto the floor, arms flailing and a pout adorning his face. He might be 13, but in this moment, he's channeling his inner child, throwing a playful fit for the sake of Oreo cereal.

Unable to resist the adorable display, Ben 10 chuckles and shakes his head. "Alright, alright, Oreo cereal it is."

He carefully pulls Ben 23 off the ground, who squirms with playful resistance, and drags him back to the sitting room. The couch becomes the designated throne for the cereal king, as Ben 10 playfully chucks him onto it, covering him with a bunch of blankets and pillows.

"Stay there, Your Majesty," Ben 10 teases, before heading to the kitchen to fulfill the Oreo cereal demand.


In the dimly lit kitchen, Ben 10 rubs his eyes as he stumbles out of bed, following the curious noises echoing through the quiet house. As he enters the kitchen, he's met with the sight of Ben 23's bright blue eyes gleaming in the darkness, caught red-handed as he raids the fridge for cheese.

Ben 10's initial reaction is a mixture of confusion and slight amusement. Here is Ben 23, in the dead of night, indulging in a midnight snack raid worthy of a cartoon mouse. Suppressing a chuckle, Ben 10 leans against the kitchen doorway, watching Ben 23 with mild amusement.

"Hey there, night owl," Ben 10 says in a casual tone, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Couldn't sleep, huh?"

Ben 23 freezes for a moment, caught in the act, before turning to face Ben 10 with a sheepish grin. "Uh, yeah, something like that," he replies, trying to sound nonchalant as he nibbles on a piece of stolen cheese.

With a shrug, Ben 10 decides to let Ben 23 have his late-night snack adventure. After all, it's not every day you catch your friend raiding the fridge like a mischievous cartoon character.

"So, what's the occasion?" Ben 10 asks, his tone light and teasing. "Or are you just fulfilling your destiny as the midnight cheese bandit?"

Ben 23 chuckles sheepishly, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I plead the fifth," he replies, his voice tinged with humor.

As Ben 23 continues to snack on cheese, Ben 10 joins him in the kitchen, the two of them sharing a moment of lighthearted camaraderie in the quiet of the night. Sometimes, it's the unexpected moments that bring people closer together, even if it involves sneaking cheese from the fridge at 1 am.


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