Chapter 2-7: The Haunted Mansion

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  "Ok boys, here's the run down." Nemuri said, as we pulled up to the mansion. "People have been going missing from this location in Osaka for the past few months. We suspect a curse of some kind. You two are to investigate these disappearances and exorcise any and all curses you find as it could be multiple. You'll stay in contact with me. Once you're ready, I'll put down a veil over the property since I'm overseeing this mission." Nemuri said.
  "Yes ma'am." We both said, and we all three got out of the car.
  "Ok, now then...let's begin." Nemuri said, making the hand sign for the veil. "Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure." Nemuri said, and the veil came down, Nemuri slowly vanishing from view as Tetsu and I nodded to one another and walked up the creepy-ass moss-covered stairs.
  I shivered. "You ok?" Tetsu asked.
  "Yeah. I just got the creepiest bone-chilling feeling about this mission." I said, gripping my biceps which had goosebumps.
  "Glad I'm not the only one." Tetsu said, his hands in his pockets as we continued to walk up the stairs.
  "You could have fooled me with how calm you are." I muttered, a bubble in my mouth.
  Tetsu chuckled, smiling at me and I smiled back. He always put me at ease.
  We got to the door and Tetsu opened it, me standing behind him. "Creepy." I said.
  "It's ok, come on." Tetsu said, and we walked in, the door slamming behind us.
  I jumped and held his shoulders. "Tetsu, I don't like this." I said.
  "Come on, quit being a baby. You're fine." Tetsu said.
  "This is worst nightmare." I said.
  "Looks like there is an upstairs to the mansion, surprise-surprise." Tetsu said, sarcastically.
  "We can search that later." I said.
  "No, we have to make this efficient. You check down here, I'll check upstairs, and then we'll meet back here and check outside." Tetsu said.
  "I hate that plan." I said.
  "Well it's either that or we search this place together from top to bottom and spend who knows how many hours just searching." Tetsu said.
  "'re right." I said.
  "Hey, we won't be that far apart, just scream if you need help, ok? I'll be down in a jiffy." Tetsu said, winking and giving me a thumbs up.
  I smiled at him and nodded. "Ok, you stay safe." I said, as we did our secret handshake.
  "You too, Izuku." Tetsu said, as we gripped hands and pulled each other in, patting the other's back.
  He went upstairs and I stayed downstairs. I started walking, and pulled out my phone to use as a flashlight as I looked around. "This place is creepy." I whispered, looking around for any sign of curses.
I heard laughing and quickly turned. Nothing. I kept walking. More laughing. I turned, nothing. I gulped, slowly walking around. "H-Hello?" I asked, softly.
  The laughing stopped. "Mmm..." I began, groaning.
  "Boo." A voice said, popping up behind me.
  Shivers shot up my spine and I screamed bloody murder. A hella creepy-looking Special Grade curse was behind me. "DOMAIN EXPANSION: SKY BISON'S PURGATORY!!!" I yelled, panicking as my domain appeared. "DETROIT-DELAWARE SMASH!!" I yelled, and I exorcised the curse with a powerful air-powered punch, exorcising the curse.
  I exhaled in relief...thank God that curse was gone. "Damn, you really are jumpy." Jin said.
"Where did you come from!?" I yelled.
"Outside." Jin said, plainly.
  "If you're here...Toya must have made those curses." I said.
  "Actually, these aren't Toya's curses. They were made by grief. It doesn't matter though, cause I'm here with specific orders. Get rid of you...before you become a problem." Jin said.
  "News flash, I already am a problem!" I yelled, taking my stance.
  Jin smirked. "We'll see." He said, multiplying into several hims.

Narrator: "Jin Bubaigawara, Age 31, Exiled Sorcerer, Rank: Special Grade 1 Sorcerer, Affiliation: Harbingers of the Broken, Cursed Techniques: Cloning, Weather-Based, Nightmare-Based."

"Tornado!" All of the Jin's shouted.
I guarded in and X, but all of the attacks hit. They sent me flying, shredded me up: cutting me away tearing my clothes. I screamed out as I flew back. It was like getting hit with 500 f5 tornados all at once. I crashed into the ground, and all of the Jin's laughed. I stood up, holding my forehead. I glanced around at the clones. "How do I stop this!?" I asked.
"Guess what! Peek-a-boo!" Jin shouted, appearing behind me as I narrowly escaped with my speed.
  "Too close." I thought. "Air Rhino!" I yelled, sending a rhino made out of air, charging at the clones.
Jin jumped up, thinking it would hit him, but the rhino hit the intended targets: the clones.
I wrapped myself in air and shot all of them into the walls, they poofed away and I exhaled deeply.
"You expelled a lot of cursed energy with that attack." Jin said.
I smirked. "My cursed energy is just fine." I said.
"Typhoon!" Jin shouted.
I wrapped myself in a sphere made of air, protecting myself from the attack. The typhoon vanished and I took down the sphere. Jin was gone. "Wait, where did he go?" I asked.
Lightning shot down from above and struck me dead on. I screamed out as I was electrocuted by the lightning. Jin ran towards me, grabbing my face and slamming me into the ground, ripping me across it, leaving a drag trail behind.
I crashed into the wall, coughing up spit. Jin grabbed my hair and lifted me up above him. "Now you die." Jin said, and he wrecked me with martial arts prowess and determination.
He launched me through the air and I crashed into a wall. I stood up and shook my head, blood dripping from my forehead. "Crap." I thought.
"Where'd you go? Hiding from me now, COWARD!!" Jin shouted.
I popped up from the ground and used my air to propel me forward. "Delaware...SMASH!!!" I shouted, using my wind to propel my arm forward and connect directly to Jin's gut, knocking him flying back in a torrent of wind.
He coughed up blood, crashing into the ground and dragging several times over. "Full Cowling!" I shouted, powering up my speed and strength as I rushed towards him.
I barrage him in a fury of wind-propelled attacks, brutalizing him pretty bad. "Air Pyramid!" I shouted, creating a pyramid-shaped attack made of air that crashed on top of him and shoved him into the ground.
  I stood up to my full height, panting, breathing heavily. "I think...that did" I said, shaking as I tried to stand.
  Out of the blue, gray storm clouds shot towards me and struck my gut, knocking me back. I crashed into the wall once more and the cloud wrapped around my hands, arms, feet, and legs. "What the hell!?" I asked.
  Jin stood up, cover in blood, smiling. "You may be an incredible sorcerer for a 1st year, but you're helpless without your hands. Domain Expansion: Weather God's Fortress." Jin said, and the area became his domain, which looked like this:

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