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Athena pov:

Ok so the last two days here haven't been that bad except for like 3 of our brothers because Dante,ace and Xavier are all bitches. I don't know how to feel about Xander or Leon, I mean they're nice and all so I guess they are good people.

We have school today which is just so great. Who the hell even likes school but if you do you should go and jump off a cliff because you give the teachers the idea we can do math at 8 in the fucken morning.

Now I have to get out of my bed that is Literally a cloud like, am I fly in the sky. The answer is no because I have damn school, ughhhh.

I make it to my beautiful ensuite, they are so rich. The shower is just the best.

Once done in the bathroom I make my way to my walk in wardrobe. Life is just crazy I was living off the streets last week but this week I'm living in a mansion.

I pick out my outfit which consists of a baggy top and baggy cargo jeans with white tennis shoes. I accessories with some rings, brackets and the necklace I always wear.

 I accessories with some rings, brackets and the necklace I always wear

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My necklace is just a simple silver chain with an emerald pendant

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My necklace is just a simple silver chain with an emerald pendant. It might be simple but it means a lot to me. An old friend gave it to me and it means I have a part of him now that he's passed.

I put some mascara and lipgloss on because 1 I can't do makeup for shit and 2 because it's highschool I'm not a model why would I take time out of my day to go somewhere where everyone is gross. Make it make sense.

I make it to the kitchen, skillfully avoiding Xavier, we don't want him to ruin my already horrible mood.

"Ciao familia, where the coffee at again?" I ask because I honestly forgot where it is.

"You know Italian?" Lorenzo asks with an urgent tone kinda like a panic, alarmed voice but keeps the straight face.


"Yeah a bit" I replied like it's nothing but it is because they said we're Italian but he was alarmed when I said I knew Italian. Now that's just suspicious.

Lorenzo just nods his head in a daze and quickly excuses himself to go make a call. Like I said weird.

I made my way to where the coffee machine was yesterday and started to make me and Apollo our coffee. Apollo doesn't like to impose or do anything that would annoy or make people think he was a burden, but I'd gladly annoy these people.

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