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Extra hours out of school meant extra hours of doing absolutely nothing. Besides drawing, listening to music, more drawing, and watching those martial arts tutorial videos from YouTube that Spider-Man sent. Harper decided to volunteer that time at F.E.A.S.T. It'd get them out of the house and somewhere they could use their energy more productively.

Today, the shelter was on the busier side, which meant Harper was immediately put to work. The adults were fixing some lunch and Harper was sent to fill up the residents' coffee cups. To hold them over until the food was prepared.

Peter had come along, just to supervise the activity. He and Harper walked along the hall. Harper held a tray with a pot of fresh coffee and Peter made sure the doors were open so they didn't bump into anything.

"So, how's school?" Peter asked. He couldn't think of anything else to ask.

Harper blurted, "Oh, I got suspended."

Peter's eyebrows raised in shock. "Suspended?"

"I kept missing classes." Harper sighed. "Not my fault. Traffic screwed me over."

"Dang," Peter said as he winced. "Well, I appreciate you coming out to help."

"No prob. I still got some homework, though. Science sucks ass..."

"Science?" Peter perked up. "Maybe I can help. I am a science whiz, if I do say so myself."

Harper snickered. "Yeah, and you dress like one."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Peter laughed, looking down at his flannel shirt.

"Dude...you look like a nerd."

"Well, I happen to like my clothes."

"You look like a dad. Or a college kid. Maybe both."

"How dare you insult my style! Do you want the homework help, or not?" Peter laughed.


"I seriously do not understand this!" Harper exclaimed with a loud groan, slamming their pencil down. They were sitting in one of the meeting rooms, Harper's school supplies scattered across the table.

"Don't get frustrated," Peter said. "Breathe, kiddo." He took in a deep breath, beckoning for Harper to do the same. They did. Most of the tension left their body, and when they were ready they nodded for Peter to continue.

"Let's go over it again." He tapped the next question on Harper's homework sheet.

"I'd rather just look up the answers."

"But you'll never actually learn how to solve the question on your own if you do that."


Peter shook his head and let out an amused sigh. "Come on, Harper. You're doing good so far." He put on his best encouraging tutor voice.

Harper sighed as they leaned on the table. "Fine..."

They watched Peter as he explained the concepts of balencing equations or whatever it was. Something about him reminded them some someone they had met before, but Harper couldn't exactly put their finger on it. Once they actually focused on the work itself, they saw it wasn't that hard.

"See?" Peter said. "Easy."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Hey, if you need help with your homework again, I'm your guy."

Harper gave a small smile as Peter attempted to cheer them up. They began cleaning up their things and slipping them into their bag.

"Thanks. I still have some homework to do, but my brain is fried."

Marvel's Kid Arachnid: Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now