chapter 3

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romeo nervously waited outside kiara's house, his heart racing with anticipation. finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he spotted her stepping out, her smile illuminating the scene. he held a small bouqet of her favourite flowers, as he had looked through her page and made a note that she loved white roses.

"hey, kiara," romeo greeted, trying to sound casual despite the butterflies in his stomach. "you look amazing."

"thanks, romes," kiara replied, a hint of blush gracing her cheeks. "you don't look too bad yourself."

romeo led her to his car, holding the door open like a gentleman for her. as they settled into the seats, the air between them was filled with a mixture of excitement and nervous energy.

"so i was thinking this restaurant called nobu? it's honestly great," romeo said, his fingers tapping anxiously on the steering wheel.

"i've never been, sounds fancy." kiara confessed, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"it's not that fancy to be honest."

"i go to nandos every week, trust me that sounds proper posh." she laughed

"we could do a nandos if you fancy?" he laughed, fighting the urge to keep his eyes on the road and not look at kiara.

"no that's too casual for what i'm wearing." she smiled, stealing small glances at him as he drove, because he looked extremely attractive.

"yeah you do look stunning in that dress." he complimented, licking his lips as he peered over at the girl.

despite the small compliment, which made her cheeks flare up, coming from romeo it meant a lot to the girl.

finally, they arrived at the restaurant, a cozy little lounge with soft lighting and the aroma of delicious food wafting through the air. romeo held the door open for kiara, feeling a surge of happiness as he saw the way her eyes widened in appreciation.

"wow, this place is amazing," kiara exclaimed, her smile widening as they were ushered to their table.

just as he was about to start a conversation, the sound of approaching footsteps interrupted them. turning his head, romeo saw the waitress approaching their table, a friendly smile on her lips.

"good evening, folks. welcome to nobu," the waitress said, her eyes lingering on romeo for a moment longer than necessary. "my name's ava, and i'll be taking care of you tonight. can i start you off with something to drink?"

romeo cleared his throat, feeling a flush creeping up his neck as he tore his gaze away from ava's captivating blue eyes. "uh, just water for me, please," he managed to say.

"water sounds perfect," kiara added with a smile, oblivious to romeo's discomfort.

as ava scribbled down their drink order and sauntered away, romeo couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of his stomach. he had noticed the way ava had looked at him, the subtle flirtatiousness in her tone, and it made him uneasy, especially with kiara sitting right there.

"so, romeo, tell me more about yourself," kiara said, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"well my life's not that interesting to be honest. i'm just a big family man, i enjoy spending time with mum and dad a lot." he smiled.

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐈'𝐌 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒, romeo beckham Where stories live. Discover now