What happened that year

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Well it all started when we were at one of our mom's friends houses, my mother would have horrible migraines so my sister being the oldest would go into the connecting bathroom to the one room my siblings and I had to share at this friends house and they would be in there for two hours or longer (plenty of time for my brother to do stuff to me without anyone finding out.) My siblings and I were introduced to sexual things at very young ages so my brother already had those thoughts in his head at a young age, so when my mom was taking a bath to help with her migraines when we were younger at one of her friends house (it always happened at this one friends house) my sister was the oldest so she was in the bathroom with my mom helping her do whatever and my brother and I were outside of the bathroom ( it was connected to the one room all three of us had to share us being my brother sister and I) we would be sitting on the mattress and he would forced me to get undressed and he would hold me down and cover my mouth and then he would fuck me and then I remembered after he was done doing it and when he was finishing he would either finish inside me on my face or force me to suck his dick.

He would call me degrading names like whore, slut, bitch, things like that. And he would touch me in places he shouldn't have.

My brother abused me on and off for a year.

I finally built up the courage to tell my dad and grandma last August and guess what they don't believe me.

I have undiagnosed PTSD from this even a decade later and I still feel like he's touching me sometimes.

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