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Well my brother doesn't remember that happening and my dad and grandma don't believe me and it's been a decade so nothing's happened to my brother.

I hate looking at my body, I wear baggy clothes so I don't have to look at my body, I self harm and I still have to see my brother and he hugs me and stuff which brings back the horrible memories. I have undiagnosed PTSD because my dad and grandma are narcissists and don't fucking believe me and they pretend it never happened and they treat my brother better than my sister since both of them moved out. They make him seem all high and mighty and he's a fucking piece of shit. I fucking hate my brother. HE STOLE MY INNOCENCE. I finally had the courage to tell my family and they just brushed it off like it didn't happen and when my brother came to visit for Christmas I brought up that he raped me and THEY GOT MAD AT ME LIKE WTF. I DIDN'T ASK FOR THAT TO HAPPEN LIKE WHAT THE FUCK BRO.

I hope this helps bring awareness to this topic and I hope all of y'all know, what happened to you isn't your fault. I'm so sorry if y'all can relate to this topic.

I'm not scared of talking about it anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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