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Demeter walks out of her room before hearing voices from downstairs. She heads down to get a closer look before noticing Alastor standing at the bottom step while Charlie shows the same slippery snake around the hotel, making her icy gaze narrow in suspicion. Charlie spoke before noticing both overlords"...and over here we have-Oh, uh, Alastor and Demeter, our gracious Facility Managers!"

She turns to them before asking, "You've met our newest guest, Sir Pentious?... Heh heh..."

Demeter spoke coldly, "Clearly."
Alastor replies with a sinister tone, "Ah, yes. You're the one who ruined my coat. I definitely remember you now."

Sir Pentious gulps nervously before Charlie jumps in, "Well, I guess this a great time for your first lesson: How to apologize. The first step to becoming a better person is to admit when you are wrong, Why don't you give it a try?"

She pushed Pentious toward the two overlords before he spoke, "Yes, um...Mr, um, Radio Demon and Miss Frozen Heart, please forgive me for attacking you both, and ruining your very lovely coat...um, here..."

 Alastor takes the ripped piece of cloth before saying, "Oh-ho, not many people have been able to take even this much off me. It must have meant quite a lot to you."

He then burns the piece in front of everyone, even Demeter mentally facepalmed at Alastor's comeback.


Demeter walks around the hotel, despite having nothing to do at the time being. The serpent's actions were pretty much suspicious, from the battle six hours ago to the skit Charlie arranged for both Angel and Pentious. She felt something off and nostalgic at the same time, yet she couldn't place a finger on it. When she began to hear something in the distance before hearing a familiar voice saying, "Fuck!"

Demeter figured it was Angel's voice so she crept to the room where the sound was coming from before hearing Pentious, "Preposterous, I would never betray you. You are my best friends!"

She peeked from the doorway before hearing Angel, "Uh-huh, then explain this."

She sees him move a book away to find a camera and from the look of the design, she instantly recognizes it. She turns away and growls under her breath, "Why you ungrateful piece of shit!"
 Not even a second later, she heard a familiar voice, "Pentious?.... Wait...You were caught!? It hasn't even been a day!"

She gets close as she softens when hearing his laugh, "I can't believe we thought you could handle even something this simple. Do us a favor, if they don't kill you, go ahead and do it yourself, you miserable failure."

The last part made her reminisce about the times before she became who she is currently, yet she growls, hating the thought of someone just verbally abusing someone to someone who looked up to them. She stepped away from the doorway into the shadows as she felt tears running down her face. She growls before whispering under her breath, "Oh-ho-ho, dafür wirst du auf jeden Fall bezahlen, Vox ... du verdammter Hurensohn!"(Oh-ho-ho, you're going to definitely pay for that, Vox...you bastard son of a bitch!)

As she tried to compose herself, she began to hear some sort of ballad from Charlie. [Play the Song]

Once she felt how sincere the apology was, she felt as bad as she felt how he felt, being used for nothing more than being treated as an animal. Once she noticed everyone leaving the room, Demeter's cold glare returned as she stepped into the room to find the watch-like device. She picks it up before turning it on to see Vox as he says, "What!?"

He immediately recognizes her as Demeter says with a mix of sadism and coldness in her voice, "You'll have to try harder than that, asshole. I know everything."

Vox stammered as he replied, "You don't know what we have in store for both you and that smiling freak later on! Do you even know what you are!?"

"That once-called pet you had died nine decades ago, and how you treated Pentious, you better be prepared when I make that screen head of yours shred fully, and be careful of who you're around because you may not know that I have eyes everywhere. I swear that when you V's and I cross paths once more, you'll regret meeting me in the first place and having emotion at all."

She crushed the device before going to the nearest window and threw it out, never to be seen again. Demeter sighed as she cooled down her anger before making a few snowflakes from the palm of her hand and giving a gentle blow in the wind, finding the people who had sold their souls to her. She orders through the snowflakes, "Gain intel from the V's and make sure they don't know what will hit them. Don't fail this job or your emotions will be fully taken. Now...go once the new day has come to this hellish place."


Demeter lays down in bed, her clothes replaced with a simple nightgown, her hair down and sprawled all over the pillow. She sighed before attempting to get some rest, however, it didn't plan as she hoped. The trauma of her past was resurfacing in her mind while it kept her awake. She began to think to herself, This is going to be a long night for sure.

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