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Azriel stalked the echoing hallways, searching for a presence he could sense as clearly as a beacon against the night.

Instead, he found Cerbie sprawled like a misshapen rug in an alcove, the little Manticore cub basking in a stray sunbeam. A playful growl rumbled from the beast as Azriel approached.

"Cerberus," Azriel greeted. "Where's your mother?"

The rumble deepened in response, and Cerbie lifted his head, the spiked tail flicking as he trotted off. With a roll of his eyes and a hint of a smile, Azriel followed the creature leading him toward the palace's sprawling west wing.

The scent of Starblooms and sunshine teased his senses before he even reached the balcony doors of the throne room. And then there she was, amidst the riot of blossoming vines—a sight more breathtaking than any carefully tended garden.

Ileana sat with his mother, a vision in a gown worthy of a Starborn princess. Sapphire velvet draped her form, shimmering with trimmings of midnight black and silver filigree. The flowing sleeves fell away from her shoulders, exposing starlit skin, while the fiery brilliance of her hair was a stark and beautiful contrast to the rich fabric.

Even in this magnificent castle, she outshone it all. Her laughter echoed through the balcony, a melody he would have recognized in the darkest abyss. A cup of tea rested in her grip, and each time she raised it to sip, the movement drew his attention to that mark upon her wrist. It was a reminder of the price paid, of the love that burned as brightly as the stars adorning her skin.

The Shadowsinger was silent, not because he chose to be, but because he was struck speechless by the beauty of her. Not simply the physical form, exquisite as it was, but the radiant joy animating her features, the playful spark as she chatted with his mother. He was in awe, and a part of him feared if he spoke, the spell would break, and this illusion of normalcy would vanish like mist in the morning light.

"Well, look who's finally up. Did your shadows forget to wake you this morning?" Ileana's playful lilt cut through his conflicted thoughts.

The shadows, sensing her delight, twirled like excited phantoms around her, daring to dance in the sunlight. Cerbie, as if adding to the chaos, detached himself from his spot to affectionately rub against her leg, purring like a creature ten times his size. His mother's eyebrows arched in silent amusement at the unusual display from both beast and shadows.

A smile tugged at Azriel's lips as he stepped unhesitatingly into the light, surprising even himself. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to his mother's cheek before settling beside Ileana. Their shoulders were nearly touching, and his mother's gaze sharpened with a knowing gleam. Cerbie, satisfied with his greeting, curled up by his owner's ankles with a contented sigh.

Ileana's eyes danced with a hint of mischief. "Enjoying the sun, Shadowsinger? Or are you getting soft in your old age?" Her teasing was gentler now, a playful nudge rather than an overt barb.

His mother laughed, the sound light and joyful, and it was a balm to his scarred soul. "Don't let him fool you, dear. He's always had a soft heart, one he hides quite well. Perhaps," she added, a knowing look passing between mother and son, "he's finally found someone who makes him want to step into the light."

Azriel crossed his arms, a playful frown directed at his mother's teasing remark. Then, turning to Ileana, he rumbled, "I thought you would still be sleeping as well. Both of you. But it seems you're feeling well enough to gang up on me."

There was no bite in his words, more of a mock exasperation.

Ileana merely rolled her eyes at his grumbling, winking conspiratorially at his mother. "Lilith went to find me this morning to thank me for the other night. I thought she might want some company for breakfast. Nothing too strenuous, Shadowsinger, I promise. Relax."

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