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Elysium buzzed with an energy Ileana had never experienced—her castle humming with life, warmth, and an abundance of... breakfast?

Her footsteps carried her across the crystalline floors, leaving trails in the morning's dust motes. Cerbie padded with playful clumsiness beside her, and a smile broke the remnants of yesterday's weariness. As she entered the vast kitchen, it was a tableau of welcoming chaos.

Little orbs of golden light zipped about the room, flitting past a cluster of awed faces gathered around the grand table. Rhysand and Feyre sat with Nyx nestled between them, their expressions mirrored in the astonishment of Mor and Amren. Cassian, a tower of delighted bewilderment, gestured dramatically towards his overflowing stack of pancakes. "Just like that," he cried. "They appeared when we came down—balls of light and a feast fit for kings!"

Ileana smiled, a strange sense of contentment bubbling within her. "Those are will-o'-the-wisps," she explained, amusement warming her voice. "I read about them in Silene's journals. They're mischievous little spirits drawn to joy and excitement. Must be why they like Nyx...and you."

As if hearing her, one of the orbs bobbed close, then whirled around her head with a delighted trill. With a final glance at the glowing forms, she took the empty seat beside Azriel, a sense of ease seeping into her. He offered a ghost of a smile, shadows flicking around him with contentment.

Of course, it didn't go unnoticed.

A faint smirk tugged at Rhysand's lips. "Well, it appears our Lady enjoys having her Shadowsinger so close... perhaps those shadows protect more than just secrets these days? See to it that the pancakes remain safe, Azriel."

Ileana felt a warmth creep up her cheeks, but any discomfort was overshadowed by Feyre's delighted grin. Mor added a teasing quip about 'finally bringing warmth to the shadows,' earning an offended huff from Azriel that had everyone laughing. Even Amren couldn't suppress a sly smirk, though she promptly returned to glare at the overflowing plates of food.

A thoughtful lull descended after the playful chaos of the will-o'-the-wisps faded. Even Cassian's usual loudness dwindled down as if sensing the air shift towards serious discussions. Rhysand leaned back in his chair, a strategic gleam in his violet eyes. "With everything happening in Prythian..." he paused for effect, "...perhaps the Dusk Court is our safest stronghold at present. You have considerable resources here, High Lady...and that mist holds remarkable potency."

Understanding bloomed in Ileana's features. Inclining her head in acknowledgment, she responded in a clear, measured tone, "You might be right, Rhysand. We should discuss moving Velaris here, at least temporarily. And... it isn't only Velaris." Her gaze turned towards the window, overlooking the vastness of the ocean. "There are others in the Hewn City... probably weary of darkness, craving sanctuary. If any wish to seek solace in Elysium, they are welcome as long as they abide by my laws and respect the Dusk Court."

There was a murmur of approval around the table. Amren's gaze held genuine admiration, even Rhysand couldn't hide a grudging acceptance of her boldness. Only Azriel seemed unsurprised, a touch of warmth reflected in his smile.

With the casual grace of a born leader, Rhysand rose to his feet. "We shall prepare an announcement then, with your permission, High Lady. Thank you."

Ileana dismissed his gratitude with a wave. "We're allies in this fight. Always. Besides, this island is too big for just our family."

In that fleeting moment, smiles managed to break through the somber acknowledgment of war brewing on the horizon. Family. Yes, they understood that perfectly well. And Ileana was part of the family now. But the sound of footsteps heralded the arrival of another player in this game. Eris sauntered into the room, hesitation flickering behind his charming facade.

A Court of Dusk and ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now