Chapter Eight

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Tori, who had been nervously pacing back and forth in front of the girl's bathroom since Beck had dragged Jade off, turned and breathed a sigh of relief. Jade was striding towards her confidently, a brilliant smile lighting up her face. A smile of equal caliber spread across Tori's, and the half-Latina ceased her pacing.

My God, she looks so happy... why can't she smile like that every day? She's so beautiful...

That last thought didn't quite register completely; it snuck its way in under the overwhelming wave of pride and affection that rose up within her at the sight of Jade looking so happy and care-free.

I'd give anything to know what just happened... ugh, why didn't I follow them? There's nothing wrong with eavesdropping; people do it all the time! Sure, it may be unethical, but... okay, so I'd probably feel horrible if I'd eavesdropped. Jade pretty much told me she didn't want me to follow so if I had... I'd feel awful, dirty even. But she better tell me what happened or I'm gonna-

She stopped her inner monologue when she realized that Jade was almost within reach, but oddly enough her stride hadn't slowed. She was charging at Tori, the smile on her face still glowing... and getting brighter as she approached. Tori's brow knit together in confusion, and the tiniest flicker of fear rose up in her chest.

"Jade, what's-"

Jade sprang at her, arms wrapping fiercely around Tori's shoulders. The force of her lunge almost sent Tori toppling, but with a grunt she was able to swing the pair of them around and regain her balance, her arms firmly locked around the other girl's waist. Jade's face was buried in her hair, her alabaster cheek pressing against the sensitive flesh of Tori's neck. Heat crept up into copper cheeks as Tori realized how close they were, her hormones flaring to life and setting every part of her body that was in contact with Jade's (which was every part, considering they were pressed flush against each other) on fire.

Tori opened her mouth to speak, but Jade's grip tightened and nearly choked her, her breath coming out in a strangled gasp. They stayed liked that for a moment more before Jade pulled away, though she left her hands tight on Tori's shoulders, keeping her in place. Tori's chest heaved as air returned to her lungs and Jade's eyes twinkled with laughter.

Tori stared down at her incredulously. "What was that for?"

"Are you hungry?" Tori's eyes narrowed, both because she was irritated that she'd been ignored and because the sheer freakishness of the situation called for it. Jade had been dragged away by her ex-boyfriend no more than five minutes ago to be confronted by said ex-boyfriend about some mystery issue... and instead of coming back neither a wrathful terror nor a sobbing mess, she'd returned with a dazzling smile on her face. Then, she'd crushed Tori in what was probably the fiercest (and most oddly stirring) hug the half-Latina had ever received... and now was asking if she was hungry?

"Uh..." Jade grinned up at her, one hand dragging down the side of her arm to lock around her wrist as a familiar mischievous light began to shine in those bright, mint green eyes.

"You look hungry. Let's go somewhere." Without waiting for a confirmation, Jade dragged Tori away, off towards the parking lot. The thought that maybe she should stop and ask about what happened did come up, but Tori pushed it away. When Jade was ready to tell her, she would.

How she knew that, Tori had no idea. But she was sure of it. Besides... it wasn't like she was going to pass up an opportunity to spend time with Jade; this was what she'd always wanted, since she'd first come to Hollywood Arts.

Despite everything Jade had said and done to her, Tori still felt this need, this overwhelming urge, to be friends with her. To mean something to her. For some reason, Tori couldn't help but feel that she needed to be by Jade's side... to be there for her. Maybe it was that night when Jade had come to her house crying; seeing her like that had made Tori forget all about the vicious exterior, and even though she hadn't been as comfortable around the other girl then as she was now, Tori's heart had not let her rest until Jade was happy again.

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