Chapter Fifteen: Epilogue

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Alright guys... it's been a journey! Thank you to everyone who enjoyed reading!! Without further ado!

Three Months Later

Tori Vega stood at her locker, rummaging through her bag for that one pink pen she just knew was hidden somewhere within its leather clutches. Kids passed by her both laughing and groaning about how hard this or that assignment was but she ignored them all, so intent was she on finding this stupid pen.

She was so absorbed in fact that she completely ignored her name being shouted over the noise of the hallway. The person that had called out to her didn't like this one bit, so with a slight narrowing of the eyes they began to thread their way through the hall. "Thread" being used loosely here, because in all honesty there's really no grace needed for walking in a straight line.

Students only had to take one look at who was approaching before they jumped (literally jumped, or tripped in some cases) out of the way.

But poor Tori, with her head practically halfway in her purse, was still oblivious.


Geez, I knew I had it this morning! I remember! Trina tried to steal it and when I took it back she almost judo-kicked my head clean off. If Mom hadn't walked in we'd probably still be trying to tear each other to pieces right about now...

"Tori, did Trina's singing finally kill your hearing?"




Tori's heart kick started in her chest and she whipped around, back slamming against the lockers. Her bag, along with all thoughts of finding her little pink pen, dropped to the ground, forgotten. One hand came up to press flat against her rapidly beating heart, chest heaving as she tried to recover from the little miniature heart attack someone had been kind enough to give her.

But just who was this someone?

"Jade!" Obviously. "Are you trying to kill me?"

Jade West rolled her eyes, arms crossing. "Maybe if you'd paid attention the first time I called your name, you wouldn't be having this problem." Mint green eyes regarded the flustered Latina coolly for a moment before her lips curled up in a grin and she stepped closer, reaching down to pick up the other girl's bag. "But then again, we both know how cute I think you are when you're terrified."

Before Tori had time to retort Jade's body was flush against hers, the other girl's free arm wrapping around her waist and her head tucking itself cutely under Tori's chin. The half-Latina couldn't help but smile and wrap her own arms around her girlfriend's shoulders and nuzzling raven-black hair with her cheek.

Yes, people. The "G" word. Girlfriend.

See, after the Beck Date-astrophe, the confession and the heavy make-out session that had followed, it wasn't long before Tori Vega and Jade West were seen being friendly with each other at school. The two were constantly together, vicious arguing melting into adorable banter, fiery glares softening into affectionate smiles. This doesn't mean that Jade West was any less vicious to anyone else at Hollywood Arts; the rest of the student population still gave her a wide berth.

Sometimes though, if people were lucky enough to watch from afar, they saw Jade grin and laugh like any other normal girl at Hollywood Arts. If they paid close enough attention, they'd see Tori Vega smiling softly, warmth shining in mocha-colored eyes, and they'd realize exactly what it was that made Jade West so happy.

It happened gradually, but even so it still left quite a few people surprised when the two walked into school together one day, fingers intertwined, grinning like fools.

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