Chapter Twenty Eight

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The window in the Californian couple's New York hotel room leaked a little, Tori realized when she woke shivering in Jade's arms. She tried to ignore the cold and pulled the blankets up around her, snuggling up to the sleeping woman even more. This time Tori's movement awakened her girlfriend, and she carefully watched as Jade's eyes fluttered open, waiting to judge her mood. Tori had found that Jade's emotional state during the first few seconds after she woke up usually set the tone for the rest of the day. With Jade, there certainly was a right and wrong side of the bed, and nothing could be done about it.

"'Morning Jadey." The cautious singer deduced from the content look in Jade's eyes that it would be a good day.

"Good morning." She mumbled, squeezing Tori even tighter as she sleepily came to.

"...Is something wrong?"

"No. Why would something be wrong? What did you do?"

"Nothing! It's hate it when I call you Jadey and you only ever let me get away with it if you're upset and-"

"Well maybe -" Jade's left hand slipped between Tori's legs, while she wedged the other beneath the singer's shoulder, pulling her in as close as possible.

"Oh- oh!" A little late, Tori caught on, her stomach muscles tightening as butterflies started fluttering around inside.

" just shouldn't call me that." Jade didn't take her time - she immediately flipped Tori onto her back and took her place on top, lips traveling across her surprised girlfriend's collarbone.

"Someone's horny this morning." The ticklish songstress giggled through her words as her creative counterpart found just about every ticklish spot on her body.

"I have been since last night." Jade gasped through weighted breaths as her fingers ran across Tori's ribs like they were keys on a piano.

"You could've had me then."

"You were drunk. I wasn't. I would've felt weird about it. Now shut up." With a smile and a quick eye roll, Tori ended the conversation and spread her arms and legs, giving her lover permission to do whatever she pleased.

"Do your worst." The look on Jade's face said she was more than happy to, until the sound of Tori's phone vibrating on the night stand interrupted their moment.

"That's probably James." Tori groaned, partly due to the impending scolding she was sure to get, but also because of what she now wasn't getting from her oddly patient girlfriend.

"You better answer it."

"Uh, no, that's okay." The unusually encouraging actress only sat up in the bed, smiling at her significant other for several seconds of the phone buzzing before she explained her lack of annoyance at the interruption.

"Answer it. Listening to you get yelled at is better foreplay than what I had planned." With a sigh, Tori anxiously grabbed her phone, as Jade snuggled right up beside her, gently lifting the phone to Tori's ear while her lips grazed the girl's neck.

While Tori quietly dealt with her punishment for her behavior the night before, Jade wrapped her arms around the singer's torso, gently sucking on her neck - not hard enough to leave a mark, but hard enough to get her worked up. Tori was squirming in her arms, and her temporarily parasitic lover was deeply enjoying it.

As Tori's nervous voice morphed back into her regular speaking voice, her actress girlfriend slowly started to lose interest, and by the time the popstar hung up, Jade was standing, studying herself in the mirror above the dresser. Tori set the phone down on the side table and crawled across the bed, sliding off once she reached the end.

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