chapter 1: first day

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a/n: no i didn't make another murder drones book (i did)

this concept has been in the back of my mind and i absolutely love it :)) 

i don't use the traditional names for the disassemblies but it should be easy to differentiate who's who lmao

also yes i headcanon n as autistic. fight me. 

uzi's pov


Today was the first day of school. I didn't know what I was thinking when I thought "oh boy, a nice fresh start. A new school, new people, maybe I can finally let loose a little bit"

No. Not at all.

Turns out, nearly EVERYONE from my middle school goes to Copper High. Like, what the fuck? Was there no other school that would accept them? God fucking damn it I just want them to get off my tail and literally jut let me live my life without having to dodge them...

Anyways. Enough ranting. It's time I write about the school.

I'm in class 1-B, because if I was in 1-A, that would be WEEB AS HELL. It's actually probably because my name falls in the area where they throw me into the next class or something. I dont have a clue. There's a club festival in a couple of days, meaning I get to choose the group of kids I'm stuck with for the next three years. My dad keeps annoying me to try running for student council next year, but after meeting the student council kids, I dont think I want to.

Which brings me to the student council kids. Oh god, are they actually scary. Like, normally in anime or whatever the student council kids are either a mixed bag or all stupid, but these ones are more like a group of delinquents.

The president, Juliet "Jules" Elliot, and vice president, Aiko "Ai" Akamine (both in class 2-C). They're both their own flavors of terrifying. Aiko stands there menacingly, and Juliet is. Uh. She acts like she's the boss of the whole school, and based on how the second- and third-years look at her, it's true.

Then their secretary, Vienna "Vi" Abbott. I've heard she has quite the temper. Or something like that idk

The treasurer and reporter, Niko Akamine, happens to be one of their most off-putting members? I think? I dunno, but when he was walking around the school, a lot of people rushed to stand up straight and stuff like that. He waved to me. I think he's supposed to be in charge of reporting back hallway behavior and such. Do we need that? Every class is in one room anyway. Maybe for lunch breaks and stuff. I did hear his voice over the broadcasting speaker for the morning announcements and the cleaning time reminder.

The name "Akamine" has come up twice already, so I suppose I should get that explanation out of the way.

The Akamines are the name for four of the students who attend: Aiko, Niko, Luka, and Cynthia (cyn). Cynthia's apparently adopted.

Aiko, Niko, and Luka are all part of the student council, as Cyn is a little too young (she sits a few seats away from me). I would've thought so for Luka, too, but I saw his name on the first year class lists. Weirdly, he was supposed to be in 1-B with me, but he wasn't. Strange.


Oh, before I forget. Here's the rundown of what happened today.

I ended up having to buy cafeteria food because I forgot to make like a sandwich or something.

No one regarded my existence much.

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