quick name guide

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whaddup gang its ya boy charlie back at it again with a helpful guide

because i humanized the drones, there's gonna be a lot of name changes in place so that's fun :33

uzi's full name - mizuki "uzi" doorman
name meaning - "mizuki" directly translates to "auspicious hope"

pretty ironic lmao

my reasoning - i thought i would give her a different name and as well as give her lore on why she changed it. maybe nori picked it out originally then she changed it when her mom went missi

oh whoops didn't mean to say that lolll

n's name - akamine niko
name meaning - i chose the one that corresponds to this spelling of it: 優心 which vaguely translates to "gentle spirit"
my reasoning - it FITS >:(
also niko is the name my friends and i gave n in our omori au + akamine is haruka's last name in relapse

v's name - vienna abbott
name meaning - not doing this for the english names
my reasoning - vienna shortens to vi :3 why abbott?? idk i just googled "british surnames" and that popped up. why did i type british? i dunno either

j's name - juliet elliot
my reasoning - she seems like she'd have a name along the lines of julia but i didn't want to uncover trauma (long story) so i went with juliet instead :3

cyn's name - cynthia akamine
my reasoning - cyn. cynthia. are you slow or something this is obvious

lizzy and thad's full names - elizabeth and thaddeus williams
my reasoning - i headcanon them to be siblings for some reason. also thaddeus is the name of Some Guy in history idk i thought it would be interesting



lily's full name - lily suzumi
my reasoning - this is her canon full name :) also lily is not short for anything

l's name - akamine luka
name meaning - luka roughly translates to flowing song
my reasoning - luka is a gender neutral japanese name and it was also the only one that i could find that didn't have an odd spelling (since technically luka is pronounced "ruka" because of the lack of an l sound in Japanese)

ai's name - akamine aiko
name meaning - child of love. cringe imo lol
my reasoning - i had to lengthen it somehow and i wasn't gonna make her airi momoi

yume's name - asahina yumeno
name meaning - idk im writing this on the fucking train
my reasoning - on my danganronpa obsession rn and himiko yumenoooo

that's all i can remember rn lmao

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