Chapter 8

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I woke up early today because we had to make some final touches on the cake for the event, and I had to get ready as well. I was personally invited, as I had made donations to them in the past as well. It was a big teddy bear cake, which was going to be a surprise for the children. 

I have also prepared some cupcakes for the children on my behalf. We people with families can't fathom the loneliness and pain that these children must have gone through, and I am not going to let any opportunity to bring a smile to their faces pass me by.

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I opted for a cottage dress as it was an outdoor event and headed out for the bakery. I had already informed Adrian that I wouldn't be able to join him for breakfast this morning; he didn't ask any further questions, so I left out the reason.

I made it to the bakery on time, and we started on the cake. We successfully headed for the event, which was being held in a park just beside the orphanage. I feel like a park is the best place for children to have fun. There's nature and sunshine, and it's fun to play around in the park. I remember when I went to the park with my parents; those were some awesome days. 

I kind of remember my and Adrian's family together as well. We were good friends in our childhood. I don't know what happened to that kind and sweet boy. I know people change, but this way? That's a whole 180-degree turn in his personality. While I was reminiscing about my childhood, we reached our destination and began setting up the station. Today was going to be full of fun.

Charlie: Boss, I am so excited! She exclaimed.

Sharon: It's good that they invited you; that way, we could stay for a while as well.

"Yeah, but work comes first, and then we'll enjoy the sun."

Charlie: I even brought sunscreen.

Charlie said swinging a tube of sunscreen in our faces.

Sharon: We know, Charlie.

"Come on now; I'll help you finish up here, and then I'll go and greet the caretaker and meet the children."

Sharon and Charlie nodded in agreement. After setting up the counter, I went inside to greet the caretaker, Mr. Joseph Watt.

Mr. Watt: Hello, Ms. Nelson. I am glad that you joined us today; the children will be delighted.

"Thank you for having me. I have brought some cupcakes for the kids on behalf of my colleagues, so I was wondering if I could meet the kids and distribute them."

Mr. Watt: That is kind of you. I will inform you when the kids are ready to come downstairs. Again, thank you for coming today.

"You are welcome. Besides, I enjoy meeting the kids; they are an absolute delight. I'll see you later then." I excuse myself and go out of the office.

I figured I would just roam around in the playground and the flower garden since I had some free time on my hands. The kids planted the flowers themselves, and they were beautiful.


Mr. Steltz: Here's the agenda for today's meeting.

Adrian: Tell Sherry to make ten copies of this file.

Mr. Steltz: Will you be attending the charity event? They have invited you as the guest of honor after all.

Adrian: That won't be possible; make sure to inform Mr. Watt and send gifts for the children.

Mr. Steltz: I will do so, but I thought you would like to join Mrs. Carter.

Adrian: What do you mean? Isn't she at a charity event? ... Now that I think about it, it doesn't feel right to turn down such an invitation. Tell Sherry to move the meetings to tomorrow. We should get going; I want to get there on time.

Mr. Steltz: I'll get the car ready.


The event is going smoothly, and the children look so cute in those little costumes. Oh, how I would love to have a little one myself. I will dress them up in a cute dinosaur outfit, and they will go around the house pretending to be destroying stuff. I would love to play with them. They would probably be up to no good and sneak into Adrian's study to wreak havoc; that would be so funny. 

I would love to see the look on Adri- Did I just imagine having a child with Adrian? That can't be. My thoughts just got mixed up. Yeah, that's what this is. Seriously, though, I would love to have kids someday.

Mr. Watt: Now, I would like to call upon one of the trustees of this organization to distribute the prizes to these adorable little kids, who have so meticulously prepared for this day. I would go so far as to say that this event might not have been possible without his contributions. Please give it up for Mr. Adrian Carter!

The crowd erupts into claps, but I'm just shocked. He was coming here as well, and he didn't tell me? I thought we were on good terms. Well, what does it matter to me? Nobody here knows that I'm his wife, so it's all fine.

The prize distribution ceremony ends, and we all head towards the refreshment section for the cake cutting. The kids were obviously delighted to see a big teddy bear that was also a cake. The kids unanimously decide to let the youngest one cut it. Little Sara walks up to cut the cake, but she is too small, so I step forward to pick her up in my arms, but before I can, someone else picks her up in his arms and helps her with the cake cutting. 

I guess Adrian is not that bad of a person; he might have some human qualities as well, or maybe he is putting up a front for others.

After the ceremony, I begin distributing the cake as Sharon is cutting up portions. It's a big cake, so we are not worried about not having enough for everyone. Adrian doesn't like vanilla flavoring, so I knew he wouldn't take any; if I knew he'd be here, I would've brought something for him. Well, I don't think he's going to stay for long, considering he's just here to make an appearance.

Sharon: Boss, why don't you go and have some time to yourself? We'll take care of everything here.

"Are you sure? Then, I'll be back in a few minutes, and we'll go somewhere for lunch." I say as I hand over the distribution task to Charlie.

Charlie: You got it, boss!

"I should bid farewell to Mr. Watt and meet the children once more before heading out."

Both of them show me a thumbs-up, which makes me smile.

I go back looking for Mr. Watt; he must be in his office.

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