Chapter 9

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-Chapter 9-  -A Mother-


Act XXV.

"Mother, No Don't leave me! Mother Come with me!!! Please!!!" Christians Pleads were to no avail. His mother was gone and he was Alone in his soul. But His cries did not go un heard. "Mother..." Christian whimpered. "Mother." That's all Christian could think about. His mother, and her selfless sacrifice! How could someone do something like that? No one in Plymouth would do something like that! Sleeping he thought he was alone, but his Father was right there listening to every word, every groan, every single sigh of pain, and sorrow. Christian Remembered! Everything! Something uncommon, something... Not existent in Plymouth! Christian knew what life was like before the light, and he wasn't going to forget again! "It just makes you wonder." Peter said. Looking down at Christian. "How could someone make it that far? It's not humanly possible!" he thought to himself.


Act XXVI. -The Dark Angel- 


"You know they say Zone 4 is where the Gods come from" a remark from a dark figure that appeared in the doorway. The small girl came forward and Peter knew. The Light had come for Christian!    "You're not taking him!" Peter shouted! He was far too familiar with the "Angel of Death"! She is a young girl with the Purpose of caring peoples Souls to L201. She can't help her job, she was born for it!  "Go back to your Undertaker "Lucy" and tell him that there was no soul here!" Peter told her. and she replied to him  "Lord Plymouth, you know I cannot do that. My Father, Legion would be very unhappy with me. Why, he sent me to gather souls, not sappy condolances' and pleads from Lords For Souls that have no meaning, and lives that must End!"                                                      "You can't have him "Lucy"! he's not a pet to be played with to the point of death! You may claim lost souls, but this one is mine!" Peter protested.                                                                                         "I'll give you one hour to say goodbye to your precious, Son..." ending her sentence with the feeling of grief in her voice Lucy turned into the darkness of the room and disappeared into it.


Act XXVII. -The Prayer- 


"Peter!" Christian screamed. Turning to his son Peter took his hand and began to devise a plan to save Christian from the light once more! No Arc could save him from this light. This light you could not escape from! This light had to be eternal and the only escape would be death!  {When the light comes Pray for the saviors to find you} Christian remembered what Angel had said before and realized what she meant now. Struggling for words Christian pulled Peter to him and said what Angel had said so beautifully and poetically.    "When the light comes pray for the saviors to find you!" Peter began to think\/ devise a brilliant plan to save Christian then he said "Father, please Pray for me!" as he tried to stay awake Christian saw something he didn't think was possible anymore. in deep thought and not paying attention, a tear fell from his eye. But the silence was soon broken when Christian began to moan in pain again! trying to get out of bed was not easy, but he wouldn't stay down, and he wouldn't let anyone help him! He was on a mission, and he was determined to figure out what that was!           "Is it possible to-No it couldn't be that easy!" Peters thoughts began to distort and, soon sent him into a panic! "How could this happen? Who ordered for this? Who ever called for this will pay!!!" Peter thought. it was a still and dark half hour while he thought on how to save his sons life. it wasn't easy, everywhere he know of, Lucy {the angel of death} Did also. Was this it? was there really no hope for Christian? Had he come so far just to have his life taken from him before his time? This couldn't be happening he though, as he sat with his head in his hands, sweating, and his heart racing. He stood up and paced the room frantically, "Think Peter! Think!!!" he told himself. shouting to the air, and looking to heaven for some kind of answer. How could he let go Again, after he had lost so much? Peter was the perfect picture of a broken soul. He couldn't think right, he couldn't walk right, and he was sweating bullets! Letting himself lose control, he hit his knees and cried out to God! Not a God made by man, or a ruler\/leader, But to The one True God in Heaven and on Earth!!! He prayed the first true whole hearted prayer that was ever muttered from within the walls of Plymouth! 


The End {Book One }(Christian The Cross and The Saviors of Plymouth)

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