Chapter 8

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-Chapter 8-  

-Angels & Demons- 


Act XXI.

A little more than a week passed with not much change. What change came was good but there wasn't enough to encourage the doctors. Once the last trace of the drugs were out of his system came the time for the real test! They slowly began shutting off the machines that had before kept christian, well, living! The detox was over! The fact that he lived to the end was promising to them, but if he couldn't sustain on his own then there was not much the doctors could do! Beauty had been sent home, and Peter had to go back and see about his business so Christian was alone again. Alone, and breathing. That was a good sign, Christian breathing on his own now for the next test. Would his body function without the IV that had been a part of him for nearly 2 weeks?  "Success!" exclaimed the doctor, after a few hours of surveillance of Christian.    "This boy will not die today." he said.   With that Christian could begin to think clearly again, and his mind slowly drifted to Angel. It had been a long time since he had dreamt about her, and an even longer time since he had seen her! Angel was the only thing he could say, and the only thing he could think of as his dreams came back to him. His high, his wonderland was gone, and his dark dreamin' tree of nightmares was on a slow journey back to his mind. Before he was consumed with the pain in his soul he was awaken!                                   "Christian! Are you alright my boy?"-Peter   in near shock Christian reacted as if his dreams were taunting him.            

"I know who you are! Why did you lie to me? Why?!?" Christian exclaimed with tears filling his eyes, Peter knew something was going on in Christians mind that could not be explained. Maybe an out of body experience, or maybe for a brief moment he passed over and saw what was to come for the lucky ones that got to move on in Death! But what was it he knew? What did he see or hear? These thoughts struck fear into Peters heart!

"Christian my boy, what are you talking about?" asked Peter.

"You aren't just one of them, you rule them! You are "The Lord" of Plymouth aren't you? You built this whole place, you control who lives and who dies! You think you are some kind of God or something don't you? Who died and gave you the keys to death and hell? We may feel alone but God's not dead and you Can't take His place! No matter how thick you make these walls He can still see you, and He knows every secret you have in your twisted soul!"

And with that Christian had pulled himself out of the bed and was on his feet for the first time in weeks! But his strength slipped away with his anger and he began to fall, but Peter, so kind, moved quickly and helped him back to his bed, as if he didn't hear a thing Christian had just said.

"Christian my boy, you need to save your strength, you aren't in the clear just yet!" He said calmly. "Why am i here? And why was i Saved?"  asked Christian in an angry and confused voice. "I have the answers you want Christian" This voice was so kind yet mysterious, and familiar. Christian looked around and in the blink of an eye, Peter was gone and the room was a bright illuminating white! He was the only one there, but he didn't feel alone.

"Am I dead?" He thought.  "No Christian, you are very much alive."  It was Angel. She was dressed in White and she was glowing, and she came to him and said

"I don't have much time with you Christian, your father isn't a bad man! He's- My father?" Christian asked Nothing made any since anymore!

"I though my mother and father died!" He said.   "Christian, I can't tell you everything, but i can tell you, Your father is alive, and he's looking out for you and he loves you Christian he is so glad you are alive!"    This didn't make since either. How could his father still be alive? She didn't say anything about my mother he thought.              "What about my mother?" he asked. Angel looked at him, with the most sorrowful eyes.                       "Mothers bring life Christian." she said. 

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