Chaptre 1 -The Beginning-

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Chapter 1 {The beginning}

I hate it when people try to be God! Get over yourself or get lost!!!!!! You don't even know what I'm doing! I could be saving your life!!! but I guess you don't care! we're all gonna die sometime so why wait!!!!! "the sooner we die the sooner we live again"? So much for life liberty and prosperity!!!! 

but you never wanted that anyways so long as you don't lose the world can die! but you don't wanna be alone so you're tacking' us all with you to the End!!!! it's so sweet how you can be so kind while you're stealing our souls right in front of us! a thief works in the dark but you're so confident and we watch you in the day! they all act like it's a normal thing to be on the verge of tragedy! Pain and poverty is their Drug! if they're not in it now they will be soon! So give the liar your Gold, and Rip it out and give him your Soul!!!! You'll never use it anyway!!!! why should we have all this rubble when there's people out there that have less! Be a missionary to a world full of the Def, Blind, and Dumb!!!you've got a bible of Braille in one hand an some liquor in the other cause they can't see so it won't hurt!!! you laugh and say this is the most beautiful place you've ever seen! while everyone has a mask, and no one else can see! 

Have you ever wanted to just scream at the top of your lungs but you sold your soul! now you walk and talk when the master says to come you do and everything you knew before is shot down and you only know what they tell you to!!!!! What's a history? no one knows anymore! and who was our first president? does anyone know what that is? you've heard about a thing called freedom but no one knows what it is? what's a constitution, and what's a Humans right? what's a human being, and what's this thing called Life? 

I'ld like to be the light and preach to you about hope! but these words don't mean a thing to you! and you'ld all rather die! There's always a chance to turn things around is what I was always told, but when they shoot you down on your way back for a book found in your bedroom cell, it's gone so far change is not allowed, and anyone who speaks of hope is a sinner sent from hell!!! But that's funny cause they say there is not such thing as Heaven and no such thing as Hell!!!! They all believe in Death and they all can't wait to go! But the thing that gets me is Life is what they don't know!!!! The word has not been muttered for now on 10 years!!!! When all the books were burned and the believers all were scorn, that's when the real hope and change was lost!!!! and Since there's nothing left to believe in, everyone understands, and those that don't are of no use to society!!! 

sight is not a trait of the living, and a voice is only for the dead, the only thing left to stand for, is the ability to stand and survive it!!! why would they leave their cells, when they get everything they need! the air outside is to hard to breath, and those that do don't ever again! and no one ever trys to leave, but they all still want to die!!! 

They could live forever, but it's so precious to them to die! To be at peace with everything, and to be breathing no more, it's the only thing they exist for, but they don't even get to live!!!! 

They think that Death is the final journey but they never had one before! they think that it is peaceful and there is no such thing as War, and Pain, and they will never have to die again! but the fact that they don't know what I do, only makes Dieing a Tragedy!!! If there were people like me here today they would be ashamed of me!!! I'm 19yrs old but no one goes by age! the only thing they go by here is the calendar of days! no one knows how many days are in a year, most of them don't know what a year is! any one under 14 would never understand, the only reason I do is cause I'm different! I'm not from this place, this factory of life and death! this place were a prison cell, is the place that they call home, this isn't where I grew up! I was spared by the grace of God, but why? I'm not really sure! not many people here have names, so we give them names so we know who we're talking about! I was born when they did away with naming babies, but my Caretakers gave me one!!! Everyone who knows me wonders where it came from! not many people alive today have ever heard the true meaning behind it, but Praise be to God, I Do!!!! 

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